Hi this is my first post and first thread. I hope u guys can help me out on this because it hurts me alot
So to start my story; I met her at the end of July 2013 when I was playing a videogame (kinda a childish game but so what), we started talking (chatbox) and in the beginning I wasn't sure if she was a girl because a year before I met her, I'd met someone in the game and that person claimed to be a girl, but I found out that person was a guy and I was just devastated...
Anyway, this girl told me she really was a girl and so I believed her and after a week or two we talked on Facebook, things got interesting and she gave me her number, and we just talked everyday on whatsapp, now since mid August we started skyping and videochatting (though we live 6000km from eachother and live in different timezones 6+ to me to be exact), in the time that we skyped and talked we talked about everything a couple can imagine; our thoughts about: life, work, hobbies, friends and family, babies, houses, dogs, cars, anything there is to talk about, and mostly we think alike and we have fun when we skype.
So have been seeing eachother for like 4 months approx. and to make a long story short, she has changed, she acts differently somehow, like one month before she was all open to me, and even wanting to share facebook passwords, and a few days ago I did, and now she doesn't want to and I said I thought u wanted this, she's like saying no I never said that...
I really don't get her at times why she acts like that, okay I know females have that time of the month thing, no offence, even respect they can go through that kind of stuff, but it isn't that time of the month and she is all weird, she used to say alot of 'I love you' and that she misses me and wants to skype and see me, nowadays she doesn't text me that much and to be honest,
she is 6 hours behind in her timezone, and I stay up real late even till 3-4-5 sometimes 6 am to just be able to get a glimpse of her, everyday... until it drove me cranky, and she said I was cranky because I stay up for her... eventually she said she was tired of skyping me all the time, she is tired of skyping because we did it so much, though yesterday we skyped for 3 hours straight with her xbox one (she games sometimes) and I know she had fun and still she says she's tired of skyping...
I told her I do so much effort to actually see her, also I just die inside when she doesn't say I love u back or doesn't give kisses back on skype in front of someone, she says people make fun of her when she does, but if she loves me, that all doesn't matter right?, she said she really loves me, and I really don't know whats happening with me, I'm so much in stress and just thinking all day, not knowing what to do or think, I do love her alot and don't want to lose her because she has so much love for me only its like her environment is holding her back from showing love in the public or in front of someone else, I'm kind of going crazy and this is the first time I had this kind of relationship.
I hope u guys have some thoughts about this, anything is welcome, for additional information PM me, because I don't like to just post private information publically.
Thanks alot for reading and I hope u guys can read what I wrote down, I did my best as English is not my maternal language, sorry about the grammar or punctuation though.
Thanks in advance!
So to start my story; I met her at the end of July 2013 when I was playing a videogame (kinda a childish game but so what), we started talking (chatbox) and in the beginning I wasn't sure if she was a girl because a year before I met her, I'd met someone in the game and that person claimed to be a girl, but I found out that person was a guy and I was just devastated...
Anyway, this girl told me she really was a girl and so I believed her and after a week or two we talked on Facebook, things got interesting and she gave me her number, and we just talked everyday on whatsapp, now since mid August we started skyping and videochatting (though we live 6000km from eachother and live in different timezones 6+ to me to be exact), in the time that we skyped and talked we talked about everything a couple can imagine; our thoughts about: life, work, hobbies, friends and family, babies, houses, dogs, cars, anything there is to talk about, and mostly we think alike and we have fun when we skype.
So have been seeing eachother for like 4 months approx. and to make a long story short, she has changed, she acts differently somehow, like one month before she was all open to me, and even wanting to share facebook passwords, and a few days ago I did, and now she doesn't want to and I said I thought u wanted this, she's like saying no I never said that...
I really don't get her at times why she acts like that, okay I know females have that time of the month thing, no offence, even respect they can go through that kind of stuff, but it isn't that time of the month and she is all weird, she used to say alot of 'I love you' and that she misses me and wants to skype and see me, nowadays she doesn't text me that much and to be honest,
she is 6 hours behind in her timezone, and I stay up real late even till 3-4-5 sometimes 6 am to just be able to get a glimpse of her, everyday... until it drove me cranky, and she said I was cranky because I stay up for her... eventually she said she was tired of skyping me all the time, she is tired of skyping because we did it so much, though yesterday we skyped for 3 hours straight with her xbox one (she games sometimes) and I know she had fun and still she says she's tired of skyping...
I told her I do so much effort to actually see her, also I just die inside when she doesn't say I love u back or doesn't give kisses back on skype in front of someone, she says people make fun of her when she does, but if she loves me, that all doesn't matter right?, she said she really loves me, and I really don't know whats happening with me, I'm so much in stress and just thinking all day, not knowing what to do or think, I do love her alot and don't want to lose her because she has so much love for me only its like her environment is holding her back from showing love in the public or in front of someone else, I'm kind of going crazy and this is the first time I had this kind of relationship.
I hope u guys have some thoughts about this, anything is welcome, for additional information PM me, because I don't like to just post private information publically.
Thanks alot for reading and I hope u guys can read what I wrote down, I did my best as English is not my maternal language, sorry about the grammar or punctuation though.
Thanks in advance!