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How to know if something bad happen ?

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    How to know if something bad happen ?

    Hello everyone,

    When she work, my girlfriend warn me by message when she left her office and when she arrives home. Today she told me she was going as usual, then she sent me a message on the road to tell me it would take longer than usual because she had changed her itinairaire due to a construction site. This is not the first time and I know that the ride takes her around 1:15 instead of the usual 45 minutes. But 4 hours later, no news. I have try to send her a message and to call her, but nothing.

    I become to be really worry now and that make me realize the scariest thing : if something bad happen to her, there will be nobody to tell me and I could never know what happened to her.

    Are you in the same situation ? Do you have some tips to change that ?


    Yes, I know what you mean. I have been in that situation. When my SO and I first started moving from friendship to love, his family didn't know much about me. I finally got very worried about the same thing you are talking about in your post, and I asked him about it. He decided to tell his best friend to let me know, if anything happened to him. He gave my numbers and email to his friend, and he gave me his friend's info, too. There must be someone your girlfriend could tell to notify you, too.

    As for today, I'm sure there is some logical explanation. Look at the odds of it being something bad, and try to relax. I know that's easier said than done, and I'd be working a hole in my floor pacing back and forth if it were me. Hopefully, you will hear from her soon.

    Please let us hear.


      If something happened to him, he would be with his family, friends or at work. I would contact them if I did not hear from him. Hope everything is fine with her.
      I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
      - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

      "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


        Thank you piratemama and differentcountries for your advice and support.

        The only relative of her who know something about me his her sister, but she don't have anyway to contact me. I will ask her to giver my email address to her sister, and I will do the same for her with my sister.

        It was 7.45pm in Malaysia when I received her last message, now it's 10.50pm. It's really not in her habit to let me without news and i can sea on Line that the message i sent her isn't read. I have try to contact her on twitter too, in case of she have a problem with her cell phone, but nothing.

        I will tell you if I have some news.


          I doubt there are many people here to whom this has never happened Happens to me quite often, actually, to worry sick because he wouldn't pick up the phone, but there's always a good reason.

          I understand your worrying. But it's very likely that there's an explanation for your girlfriend's silence. Maybe her battery died and she had errands to run before going home? Maybe she ran into a friend?

          If anything happened to my SO I know I'd get phone calls/texts from his family and his friends, thankfully.
          I thought of you and the years and all the sadness fell away from me - Pink Floyd


            I don't have much advice on this, I just hope you will hear from her soon and that she is OK. And to prevent you from being too worried in the future, talk to her about something like what piratemama sugested - she can tell her sister or her friend to let you know if something happen to her.


              Ouf, she just call me. The second road was blocked by an accident and her phone battery was dead.

              This time, nothing bad happened, but i will surely talk about that with her to find someone to warn me (and her) in case of.

              I had never think about that possibility in the past, and I think we all have to prevent this case, so I hope this thread will make you think about that and prevent this situation.

              Thanks for all your advises and support, now she is sleeping, and I am reassured.
              And thanks to LFAD


                Awesome! I'm glad to hear that you heard from her finally! I too know that feeling. It hasn't happened in awhile.. but anytime the routine changes without me knowing why.. like he is not coming online for an extended period of time.. I start to worry. Nowadays it takes awhile for me to full out worry because most of the time I can come up with reasons he isn't online that aren't horrible. If he was traveling though I'd be more worried but it typically turns out good and there was never anything to worry about. Though it is good to be reminded of this, especially for couples who haven't been going out long enough for everyone to know you are dating. I have my SO's dad on facebook, and we are in a relationship on facebook so any of his facebook friends could see who I was and message me if needed, and same for him having my family on facebook and my facebook friends can see him in case needed. It is good to have that.. though chances are they will be just fine!

                Again, I'm so glad she called you and is now safely sleeping at her home.


                  I'm glad all is well.


                    Thanks all for taking care and advises. I love this forum, you are wonderful ...
                    I wish you all the best


                      I'm happy that everything is good and that she is safe.

                      This is something I go through often. My girlfriend does not have a data plan on her phone, and so I am not able to hear from her for hours when she is out. Also, she sometimes stays with relatives that do not have internet, so it can sometimes be two or 3 days that we can only share 1 or 2 SMS texts. (very expensive)

                      You have to always stay positive and believe that there is a simple explanation such as dead phone batteries, traffic, whatever.

                      Best of luck. :-)


                        I know what this is like all too well, and being a worrier and having a bit of anxiety doesn't help me either. Even though I have his phone number, and I know where he works and can easily get those numbers online, I still worry almost every single day. I think the best thing to do is have that information so you can contact them, or someone else who can give you information. My parents have his information, just by chance something were to happen to me. But I think the best advice is to try your best not to worry, try to keep your mind busy on other things. I'm glad you heard something!!

