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How often do you talk? (Time difference)

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    How often do you talk? (Time difference)

    Hi everyone!

    I'm in a relationship with a guy halfway around the world (I'm American, and he's in Asia), and we have a 12 hour time difference. We can also only visit each other about 1 or 2x a year, since we're both in university. I'm just curious as to how many people are like us (we can't meet as often as many other couples and have such an awkward time difference), and how often you talk to your SO? We normally talk once a day (it used to be two), but sometimes I feel like that's too much for me now.

    How does it work out for you guys?

    I am in Germany and he is in Mexico, that's 7 hours of time difference We haven't met yet, but I will fly to Mexico in February... I guess for us it's the same that we will only be able to meet 1 or 2 times a year because I'm pretty busy in my job and don't have too many days off... and he's in university so it's also quite impossible for him to get a lot of free time. And of course the flights are quite expensive as well so that I couldn't afford more than going there twice a year.

    We don't call each other or anything, we just text the whole time with a few voice messages. We text every single day. During the week I text him as soon as I get home from work then we text until I go to bed and fall asleep. Sometimes we additionally talk when I get up an he's still awake but that's not very often. On weekends we talk a bit more than during the week because I can stay up later and we have more time together. So in general we text all the time where the two of us are able to do it and are not busy with other things. Some days we talk a lot, other days it's just 3 or 4 sentences. And that's perfect for me. Right now I couldn't imagine spending a day without hearing from him.


      16+ time difference here: USA - Australia.

      Weekdays : 2 times daily - mainly text and occasional phone/skype.
      Weekends : 4-5hrs Skype on either Saturday or Sunday; depending on his schedule we might Skype both days.

      I'm so over this time difference crap.
      Met Online : July 2013
      Met in person : April - May 2014 (3 wks)
      2nd visit : June - August 2014 (2 months)
      3rd visit : December - Jan (2wks)
      Proposal : December 2014
      Closed distance : February 2015
      Married : April 5, 2015


        I have a 6hr time difference, I am in UK and he's in USA. We talk every day via text without fail, and FaceTime several times a week. Sometimes we just FaceTime audio and I really like that too because we've had some of our deepest chats on FaceTime audio.
        We always send each other good morning messages, we talk till I fall asleep each night and sometimes if he's awake late we catch each other when I wake in the morning. I love it when he's up late because it's rare for me to be able to wish him sweet dreams just before he crashes because of the time difference. It's also lovely to wake up and chat with him, even if it's only for a few minutes.
        We have talked via text every single day for over 2 years. On the very occasional day when we have only been able to exchange a couple of messages we've both been miserable! It's like he's part of me now. A day without speaking to him is horrible, he hates it too.
        We are both really soppy tho, we've both been hurt really badly and are both a little needy but it's cool, we both know how much it hurts to be treated badly and we both know we'd never hurt each other. I guess we do talk a lot, we are like a couple of teenagers really even tho were both 41 years old lol! We are always sending each other stupid video messages or selfies pulling silly faces! Once he sent me a reeeeeally risky selfie when he knew I was talking with my grandma lol! I love it that our relationship is so silly and goofy, it helps to deal with the pain of the distance.
        I am more than happy with the level of communication, so is he. It might be too much for others but for us it's perfect.


          I am in the Phil (Asia) and my SO is in the US we have 13 hrs diff, LDR in 8months (we met 1 time)we talk everyday via chat, he stay up late just to talk to me so i am lucky that he sacrifice time for me, sometimes i wake up 3 or 4 am to talk to him. I believe that having a good communication is the key of successful LDR


            We got an 8 hour time difference between Germany and Utah. It's annoying, but it's doable at least with good scheduling and planning of our time. We had three visits since our relationship started in March,, which is really lucky. Certainly couldn't have done if things hadn't panned out just so, I'm thankful for it.

            It'll take a lot more than words and guns
            A whole lot more than riches and muscle
            The hands of the many must join as one
            And together we'll cross the river


              14 hour time difference -- we're both from Japan but I'm currently attending university in Canada. We text here and there throughout the day, have short phone conversations (~30min) at least every other day, and have long phone conversations (30min~1.5hrs) around once a week

              Surprisingly we've no problems with the time difference whatsoever. His night is my morning, so a lot of the time just we give each other wake up calls and keep talking till one of us has to leave
              Last edited by lovingthealien; December 9, 2014, 05:58 AM.


                Me and my love are 7 hours apart, I am in Croatia and he is in Texas, USA, we talk... Pretty much all the time unless we're sleeping. We are skyping and talking on facebook in voice calls over messenger, depends how busy we are. We are totally addicted to each other and planning to get together soon, since I am unemployed and have no strings with place I live right now I am planning to move to the States.. We've been together for two full years and we believe we will have many more happy years, but hopefully not that apart from each other. We did have some problems in begining but we got over them and we are still strong like we were before.

                I am happy I found this site and to read about you guys experiences, it gives me lots of hope.


                  My fiance and I are 6 hours apart I am in London, UK and he is in Minnesota, USA the midwest! We whatsapp message all day and night everyday and we usually skype in the afternoon or evening his time, which is evening or late night here. We also sometimes send each other voice recordings alot, it depends on the day, we skype for usually 1-2 hours everyday, sometimes longer.


                    My SO and I have a 5 hour time difference- nothing too crazy, but it obviously complicates things sometimes. We text throughout the day and will Skype for an hour or so each night, sometimes longer on days we have off. We both have jobs where we work odd hours, so it really helps to plan things out when we get our schedules for the week. I take care of my Mom and I'm standing in as parent to my younger siblings right now, so if things get too crazy my SO and I might take a break from Skype for a few days, but we still text throughout the day. Visits 1-2 times a year, feels like it's just not enough.


                      My SO and I are currently 10 hours apart; we generally manage 2 hours of messaging when she wakes (at my night), and 3/4 when I wake (her evening). It's generally a lot easier come the weekend because one of us can sacrifice hours somewhere because we'd be off work, and have time for Skype!


                        I'm in the USA and my SO is in the Philippines. That's a 12 hour difference (13 hour with daylight savings). We text as much as possible while we're both awake. Usually she will wake up really early in the morning 4AM-5AM her time, and I'll stay up late until 1AM-2AM so we can talk. So usually we can talk on and off (depending on how busy our days are going) from 4PM to 2AM my time.


                          He is in Turkey, I am in Norway. We have one hour time difference. We used to be able to Skype every day, but with his new scedule at work, which is almost opposite my job hours, Skyping will probably be mostly on my weekends.
                          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                            My SO and I are 6 hours apart, I am studying at university and he is in his final year of highschool, due to go to college sometime in the near future. Since he and I can't seem to get enough of each other, we take pretty much any spare moment we can to talk, text and play games with one another lol.

                            We don't have all that much of an issue, though. I'm used to working around time differences, and so is he, being gamers and having friends across the world does have its advantages xD


                              We had (CD for the next 6 months) a 7 hour time difference. It was really hard to talk certain weeks when we were both really busy. It was especially difficult when I was working until 5 or 6 everyday and it was really late for him. He would stay up and talk to me so that we would be able to talk, but that really sucks after a while. He was always so tired and it made me feel guilty. Eventually we switched to only skyping during the weekends or when I'm done with work earlier. One thing that really helped us is that every night before we go to bed we send a message talking about our day. That way we still hear the little details even if we aren't able to skype or really talk that day. Honestly, I think it was a lifesaver when we weren't able to talk for weeks at a time!

