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Didn't know it would be this hard

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    Didn't know it would be this hard

    We were texting and calling for like 8 months since we finally met 3 weeks ago. i didn't know it would this hard after saying goodbye and he is going back to his country. I last saw him on January 25th, and i really feel bad right now thinking about the things that we first do as couples. I did not realized how hard it would it be until now that i am experiencing it. every morning is like a torture to me that he is not beside me, i feel so lazy to get up and start my day cause he will not be around. i wanted to say good morning but i know its good night for him. I cant enjy my food cause i know he won't share breakfast with me. Every minute since the last time i saw him i just wanna be with him. i miss everything about him now im so sad even we have lots of time and texting. The idea that i can't see him makes me very blue.

    Originally posted by carmela18 View Post
    We were texting and calling for like 8 months since we finally met 3 weeks ago. i didn't know it would this hard after saying goodbye and he is going back to his country. I last saw him on January 25th, and i really feel bad right now thinking about the things that we first do as couples. I did not realized how hard it would it be until now that i am experiencing it. every morning is like a torture to me that he is not beside me, i feel so lazy to get up and start my day cause he will not be around. i wanted to say good morning but i know its good night for him. I cant enjy my food cause i know he won't share breakfast with me. Every minute since the last time i saw him i just wanna be with him. i miss everything about him now im so sad even we have lots of time and texting. The idea that i can't see him makes me very blue.
    Welcome to long distance.

    I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


      we survived 8 months of being long distance and didnt imagine it would be this hard after being together for 3 weeks.huhu


        It's not easy being apart - that's all part of being in a long distance relationship. However, you can NOT let the being apart become an obsession that rules your life. That's not healthy for you and it's not good for you or your relationship. I know talking and texting are not the same as having him next to you but you need to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship.
        To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

        ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


          exactly my problem. he always tell me that i don't need to be be sad. and i keep on telling to myself that i need to get over it and just go with the flow. it won't have to rule my daily life thou. hahaha. well i guess finding this site was my solution coz i only wanted to have someone to tell what i feel.


            exactly whats on my mind. i keep on telling myself that i need to live my life and today and just moved on. he keeps on telling me that i don't need to be sad coz it will be bad for my health. and it will be hard for him too if he knows i am being sad. but thanks for finding this site so i have somewhere to express my feelings.


              I'm glad you posted this. If the visit my SO and I are planning goes down like it should soon, I'll be better aware of the after affects. Take care of yourself.
              "Sometimes you just have to let art flow over you."


                i was looking for somewhere to at least bring out my thoughts. my family hear from me every n ow and and then, i tried to open up with my friends also with my workmates but im afraid sooner or later they'll get pissed of me with this and that coz they don not have the same situation like mine


                  Even after having seen him a lot for our first 8 months together, after the first time we were together for the lenght of 3 weeks (my summer holiday) it was very hard to go back being long distance. Soon he will visit here for 4 weeks, which will be the first time we are together that long, and I don't doubt it will be hard afterwords (although I will be lucky enough to visit him soon after). This is very normal. Force yourself to eat something, get up, work out. Work towards the next visit.
                  I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                  - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                  "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                    .[/Q Force yourself to eat something, get up, work out. Work towards the next visitUOTE]
                    yeah. im trying very hard to do's very hard . but i just always think about what he answered me when i asked him why is it so hard then he just said "because it's love


                      its awful to be apart but if it's really worth it, you'll get used to it. just keep taking care of yourself


                        I've not experienced this yet, but I know it's gonna hit me like a train when it happens. Just don't give up, no matter how tempting it might seem, and keep thinking positive, because you know if you're committed it will end (the distance) eventually.


                          It is love, and lets not forget that! We have met these wonderful people who just happens to live a little further away, and we even get to meet them

                          What we experience, is a slice of a reactive depression - it is a reaction to circumstance. It is important that we give ourselves new impulses and don't let the blues drag us down. Focus on your sleep, food, drink, exersize, going to work and studies, see your friends sometimes, to something nice for yourself especially now where in many parts of the world it is shitty cold and uncomfortable weather - try to cozy up by yourself. Listen to music. See a movie. Drink hot tea. If you have money, get a massage or a facial treatment or something else where you get touched. My brother has Asberger and is sick, the other day he told me: "I would like some physical stimulaton" haha, I was stroking his arm to soothe him. You can do that too; stroke the insides of your arm, stroke your stomack, put your hands on top of your ears and close your eyes. Center yourself.

                          If you have not already, I really reccomend looking into different ways of preparing stuff for your SO - it can be a letter or a gift or a book or something else. Some days, even just sending a link to a song can be nice. Before my first visit (I met him on holiday, so that was to be the 2nd time I saw him), I got obsessed with DIY, and that actually worked out very well for us because I am good with my hands, I just never thought about using to much time just to make something... It can be a nice way to get a new hobby while at the same time feel closer to your SO, and he might even be impressed that you made it - especially if you make it personal (I mean, I did not know my man that much at that point, but I had some ideas about who he is as a person and guess I really nailed some things because he said the books are the best gifts I gave him).
                          Last edited by differentcountries; January 28, 2015, 04:50 AM.
                          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


                            Welcome to LDR after meeting! It's terrible, heart wrenching, depressing, and more. But it's also beautiful, exciting, rewarding, and so totally worth it with the right person!
                            "I ran to him. I dropped my luggage and ran to him. My heart melted in my chest as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I could feel him. I could kiss him. I could smell him. He was real. He was here. He is mine."

                            He could be a million miles away...and still be worth every single mile <3

                            We met in 2012
                            We became a couple in April 2014
                            Our lips first met August 8, 2014
                            Our beautiful 2nd visit was November 2014
                            Hoping to visit again for a New Years kiss
                            We'll spend my birthday and Valentines day in each other's arms <3 - Feb 2015
                            Our "spring break" in March 2015
                            Summer fun - June 2015
                            DISNEY WORLD!!! Sept 2015

                            LOVE > DISTANCE
                            QUALITY > CONVENIENCE


                              everyday im missing him. but i know in 3-5 days everyday will be normal again betwen us. we've survived 8 months. and i hope as he told me he will come back in 4-5 months. its not so long time to wait for it again.

