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How often do you talk?

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    We used to skype a lot previously but due to working hours and time difference we skype on weekends mostly. Get the skype on until one of us falls asleep. But we still text daily. We will just do our own things like surfing net or watching movie when we dont have things to talk about at that moment or just looking at each other and smile like silly haha its okay if you dont talk all the time.


      He and I text everyday. It's easy to run out of things to talk about, since we're not together, but I find that just talking about your daily activities helps. Things that I think are boring about my day (like my friends drama or how my classes went) he actually enjoys hearing about. We also try and find games to play, like we'll have competitions and whoever loses has to do a dare and videotape it. We also try and skype everyday. We watch a lot of movies (get popcorn time). Even if we don't have time to skype during the day, we will before we go to sleep, it's really nice just having him there on skype while I fall asleep. He is 6 hours ahead of me and is sweet enough to wake up every night when I come to bed and call me. The more communication you have the better.


        Thank you guys for all your replies. It actually helps me a lot


          Oh haha. We talk to each other everyday, say good morning and good night to each other (and the obligatory good night kiss). If we don't talk in some days we feel that it's been years. We do Skype and cam, Kik, whatever we can find. Sometimes we spend other ways, like watching a movie, play a game or even counting math. He shares his playlists so we can listen on music at the same time, as a goodnight song or to express or just to relax with each other


            We text every day, all day, beginning at 6 am. Some days one of us will call the other at work if we have something to say. He calls me and talks to me for my journey long drive home, them we FaceTime in the evenings after the kids are fed and the kitchen is clean. Yep, we talk all day long!

            I love him. Forever. And every day after that.


              We always text good morning and have a little text chat when he wakes up. If he's up late then we can chat when I wake but that doesn't happen that often. We always chat before I go to sleep (unless he's working) and that will be text mostly sometimes audio FaceTime. We FaceTime a couple of times a week but have just agreed to Audio FT more often rather than text. It's far nicer to actually talk than text and it makes up feel closer.

