Me and my boyfriend are in a LDR for 4 months. We met online and didn't meet yet, but he says he'll visit in February.
We are completely in love with each other, but the problem is I'm jewish (live in Israel) and he's muslim (lives in Turkey).
At the beginning of the relationship he said he doesn't care about religions, and that he's an atheist anyway. I'm not that close to my religion either, so I said I don't mind as well.
Deep inside I knew there's no way we could make this work out without moving to another country and giving up my family (which is very religious and will NEVER accept him, my parents will probably deny me being their daughter).
We're both 17, and he's my first crush, first boyfriend and first love. Even tho I've never been in a relationship before, I'm 100% it is love.
He makes me feel happy, special and wanted, we have so much in common and he always cheers me up.
We've "survived" the first huge fight already, something that made me all the more worried because I kinda relied on us to break up from a fight or something.
Up until that fight, I thought we won't survive reality test, and that when he'' come visit we won't have the same chemistry and it'll be awkward. But now I realize that what we have is real, and strong and probably won't fade of its own, and it made it impossible for me not to think about how the hell are we going to pull this off.
That's all I can think of all day.. how I'm going to have to sneak behind my parents' back his entire visit, what rage their going to be put in if they found out, how I'm (possibly) not going to live in Israel, and how I'm going to be far from my sisters.
Apparently Islam allows the man to marry a not-muslim woman, but judaism won't allow it, so it means no jewish wedding..
I don't know what to do, he once suggested he'll convert his religion for me but I don't want him to.. he's muslim and even tho he doesn't believe in any god, he'll never feel like he's a jew. That's not a reason to convert and it'll only lead to resentment in the future..
I know this is thinking way too much, I mean we're only 17.. but if I'm in a relationship that won't lead anywhere.. why wasting my emotions and time? I don't want to wake up after 5 years (probably when I'm even more attached) and realize it won't work..
I don't even know how to start that talk with him.. he's so open-minded and ready to leave his family to live in England or something, always says it doesn't bother him and the only important thing is that we love each other, and I'm just.. it's not that it matters to me, I couldn't care less that he's muslim.. but I don't want to disappoint my parents, be far from my sisters, and even tho I fantasized of living abroad it was never something I seriously considered, I love my country. What a talk with him will achieve anyway? I don't want to hurt his feelings..
any advice?

Me and my boyfriend are in a LDR for 4 months. We met online and didn't meet yet, but he says he'll visit in February.
We are completely in love with each other, but the problem is I'm jewish (live in Israel) and he's muslim (lives in Turkey).
At the beginning of the relationship he said he doesn't care about religions, and that he's an atheist anyway. I'm not that close to my religion either, so I said I don't mind as well.
Deep inside I knew there's no way we could make this work out without moving to another country and giving up my family (which is very religious and will NEVER accept him, my parents will probably deny me being their daughter).
We're both 17, and he's my first crush, first boyfriend and first love. Even tho I've never been in a relationship before, I'm 100% it is love.
He makes me feel happy, special and wanted, we have so much in common and he always cheers me up.
We've "survived" the first huge fight already, something that made me all the more worried because I kinda relied on us to break up from a fight or something.
Up until that fight, I thought we won't survive reality test, and that when he'' come visit we won't have the same chemistry and it'll be awkward. But now I realize that what we have is real, and strong and probably won't fade of its own, and it made it impossible for me not to think about how the hell are we going to pull this off.
That's all I can think of all day.. how I'm going to have to sneak behind my parents' back his entire visit, what rage their going to be put in if they found out, how I'm (possibly) not going to live in Israel, and how I'm going to be far from my sisters.
Apparently Islam allows the man to marry a not-muslim woman, but judaism won't allow it, so it means no jewish wedding..
I don't know what to do, he once suggested he'll convert his religion for me but I don't want him to.. he's muslim and even tho he doesn't believe in any god, he'll never feel like he's a jew. That's not a reason to convert and it'll only lead to resentment in the future..
I know this is thinking way too much, I mean we're only 17.. but if I'm in a relationship that won't lead anywhere.. why wasting my emotions and time? I don't want to wake up after 5 years (probably when I'm even more attached) and realize it won't work..
I don't even know how to start that talk with him.. he's so open-minded and ready to leave his family to live in England or something, always says it doesn't bother him and the only important thing is that we love each other, and I'm just.. it's not that it matters to me, I couldn't care less that he's muslim.. but I don't want to disappoint my parents, be far from my sisters, and even tho I fantasized of living abroad it was never something I seriously considered, I love my country. What a talk with him will achieve anyway? I don't want to hurt his feelings..
any advice?