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I think we might be over. I don't know how to process it.

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    I think we might be over. I don't know how to process it.

    I posted a super long post, but I'm going to wait until we discuss further tonight before I jump to conclusions. If he deems it a conversation worth having. He has said he doesn't want to talk face to face because he doesn't think I'll listen, which is news to me, i feel like we always misunderstand eachother on messaging apps, and the productive ones have been face to face. I feel like if he isn't willing to talk face to face then we are setting this important conversation up for failure, and that maybe he is just going to write me a long break up message later. That makes me super sad.

    But basically my own insecurities have made me not so fun to talk to , and he called me out on that and said he was second guessing us. I'm frustrated because the 2nd time he has even referenced us in a relationship has been to express doubt in it, so no wonder I'm so insecure? I feel so drained and I think he does too.

    ugh, this just sucks. I'll update later I guess because I'm gonna need some hugs if this is really over
    Last edited by paperplane; July 5, 2018, 04:00 PM.

    Hopefully it's not that! Keep us posted. Here's a try not to worry hug


      Good luck to you! I really hope you’re able to make things work because believe me, it really sucks having to end things. Best wishes to you


        So, we're ok.

        We both are just really drained and not getting what we want out of it. I told him that I feel like this entire time I feel like I've been chasing breadcrumbs of proof that he even takes us seriously, and I think that insecurity played a big part in my passive aggressiveness. I didn't realize how bad it was getting, but I just felt resentful constantly, and felt like I couldn't talk to him about it because I didn't know if he thought we were official, and didn't want to pressure him, yet I had needs that weren't being met. Turns out my main love language is words of affirmation, and I didn't realize this until I dated a man of very few.

        He called me after all, which meant a lot to me. So we talked for a long time, and he told me what he needs from me, and I told him I needed more words of affirmation from him. So we'll see how this goes. I'm not sure how we're gonna do this for a year longer, but, one day at a time i guess.


          Good to hear you two worked it out! How have things been since then?

