I honestly never thought I'd find myself posting in this forum, but I guess life takes you by surprise sometimes. :P
My boyfriend just texted me (kind of out of the blue) about what my stance was on him joining the army. I'll be honest, my heart didn't react too well. I texted him back saying "If you're serious, this isn't really something I want to discuss over text." I figured this was the best way to respond for now, I didn't want things getting miscommunicated or what not. Plus I'm currently on my way to class. Noy the best timing. Anyway, I guess I just need some advice about how to talk to him about this in the best way. Also, I don't really know much about the army at all, so anything you think I should know before starting this converstation, that would be awesome
Thanks so much in advance!
My boyfriend just texted me (kind of out of the blue) about what my stance was on him joining the army. I'll be honest, my heart didn't react too well. I texted him back saying "If you're serious, this isn't really something I want to discuss over text." I figured this was the best way to respond for now, I didn't want things getting miscommunicated or what not. Plus I'm currently on my way to class. Noy the best timing. Anyway, I guess I just need some advice about how to talk to him about this in the best way. Also, I don't really know much about the army at all, so anything you think I should know before starting this converstation, that would be awesome