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Said goodbye to my SO today.....

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    Said goodbye to my SO today.....

    SO left to go back home. The only way I can put this is that it really sucks. We were together every second of the day for three days, and now it's just all over and we have no idea when we'll see each other next. But, I do know that there will be a day when we WILL see each other again. There's no way we're backing out this easily love is great!

    I know people can relate to saying goodbye and how absolutely awful it is. Just wanted to share because nobody seems to understand what it's like, but I know all of you do

    I hate these first few days stay strong and keep busy. You'll be better soon again, promise! *hugs*


      I know I will! Thank you


        Goodbyes suck.


          For a moment when i read "Said goodbye" i tough of braking up, well iits not the case, think like it just made your relationship even stronger than before! All the best


            Just think that this goodbye will lead to the next hello! Something to look forward to.


              I can imagine it must be Tough!:/.. but I guess most people in here is going to expect this at some point, and more than once.
              but hey, it's all worth it to be with the one we love<3..and it's good you're keeping your head up and Not giving up!

              Besides; It's better to spend a Little time with the right person, than a Long time with the wrong one.:3


                Goodbyes are hard... my SO says every sort of silly things to make me laugh every last day of the 4 times we've had to say goodbye. It's cute and it makes it easier, but God... goodbyes hurt!


                  My SO just left today. We take goodbye pretty rough. She's worth it though. I'll see her in two months though do homecoming <3


                    Goodbyes suck. Especially when your the one leaving.

                    "I love you and I've loved you all along and I miss you. Been far away for far too long."<3


                      The worst thing about goodbyes for me, is that I know it's best for my SO if I remain quite stoic, and make it seem like it's an unimportant event, but it tears me apart inside. She does the same but I know how much it sucks for her too. As I write this I'm 6 days away from going home for three weeks to be with her, and help her move into our new home. I'm trying to figure out if being this close to seeing each other again is worse than it being a long time away.


                        I used to cry half of the trip home... and it was an 800 mile drive. We'd text the whole time and i kept asking if i could come " home" now and he'd always answer yes.. knowing it couldn't happen yet and we both had jobs to go back to after the weekend.

                        It won't always be goodbye.. one day it will be " see you after work". Hang tough.
                        Three words. Fill my racing mind. Leave me breathless. Lost in time.
                        Three words. Fill my endless dreams. Repair my heart. Mend the seams.
                        Three words. Fill your heart too. Three words pronounced. I love you.


                        You look in the mirror, you don't like what you see, don't believe it.
                        Look in my eyes, I am the only mirror you're ever gonna need.

                        Met online: 12/24/10 Met In Person: 2/24/11 Distance Closed: 4/24/11
                        Not one regret, not one backwards look, only towards the future and beyond!


                          I got to see my SO for 5 days last month, and saying goodbye was so incredibly hard for me. I cried for days after. It was just like that 5 days I fell in love with him all over again, because everything that I loved about him I saw that week so much more than I ever. I only get to see him 7 days out of the year. And that last 5 days was the last time I would see him until next year, so it really hit me hard. Still even now when I think about it or look at the pictures of us together it makes me cry because when you go from not seeing each other and not having that contact face to face to all of a sudden having it for 5 days and then having to give that up again your heart breaks. It truly does. My SO is sooo worth the long distance relationship, but it doesn't mean that the distance still doesn't suck because it does!! But I will always love my SO with all my heart no matter the distance.


                            I know what it feels like.. I said goodbye to my SO on the 17th of August, after 12 days together. I've been feeling awful for 2 days now. I guess it's all about looking forward to the next time you two get together and staying strong for the person you love.


                              My SO and I said goodbye after a month-long visit on Saturday. It's a little easier knowing when we'll see each other again, and knowing that it's going to be so soon (he's flying over again in October <3 ), but it's still not enough to fill the emptiness. On the plus side, we both have things to distract ourselves (for him, job hunting, for me, school and extracurriculars) so we don't quite have time to wallow in it. It's the evening that does it in for me, when he's asleep so we can't skype and I'm not doing any school work. That's why I'm on LFAD right now lol. Ugh.

