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Feeling a bit neglected

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    Teens Feeling a bit neglected

    Well, I'll try to keep this as short as possible for you guys lol feel free to just skim through it if you want, any advice at all is appreciated!

    My LDR boyfriend and I have been friends for about 4 to 5 years or so, and we decided to be more than friends about 4 months ago because we've both had strong feelings for each other for a long time. We've never met because of our ages (I'm 16, he's 19.) I have had 2 other LDR's in the past with no problems except the people themselves, but he has only had one LDR with an old friend of ours and it didn't last very long because she was extremely different from him and didn't want him to be friends with me because of jealousy.

    We have always been very close friends and even though we're pretty different (a lot of things that interests me, he can't stand) it's never been a problem because we still get along very well and have a lot of fun together. But lately he seems like he doesn't love me anymore. We still have long conversations and have fun together but the last time he's said anything sweet or romantic "on his own" was the 8th when he sent me an email. Whenever I say I love him now or anything sweet he just says things like "you too" and it just seems like he's only doing it out of obligation. We used to send each other emails nearly every day and we both got so happy when we would see each other, but now I'm the only one texting or sending emails (we usually IM with our LDR friends together every night) and he barely talks to me unless I strike up the conversation first.
    I'm just worried he's realized he only sees us as friends now that the lovey-dovey 3-month mark has passed, especially since he never thought over whether our relationship would work out for him or not when I asked him out, he just immediately said yes. Whereas I spent like 3 days making sure I wasn't rushing into anything and that it wouldn't screw up our friendship and things before I asked him out.

    But I'm very worried. I know this sort of thing happens a lot in LDR's because it's easy for conversation to get boring and stuff, but the thing is, it isn't. It's not the conversation or anything, it's just that in the beginning he was all over me and now he doesn't even say he loves me. I've tried being patient and waiting for this phase to pass and continuing to shower him with love until he finally does so back, but it's been way too long now. I just don't know what to do because I still love him and am afraid if we're just friends it won't work out for him and I'll lose one of my closest friends.

    Originally posted by TrippySkitty View Post
    he has only had one LDR with an old friend of ours and it didn't last very long because she was extremely different from him.

    We have always been very close friends and even though we're pretty different (a lot of things that interests me, he can't stand)
    This makes me think that he has noticed you two are too different just like his previous relationship and may be shying away because of that.

    Also, it sounds as if the honeymoon stage has passed for him. This doesn't mean he should be neglecting you though and his actions/words towards you shouldn't be forced just for your sake. If you are the one always going to him and starting all the conversations then maybe he's just used to you doing that and probably thinks that he doesn't have to initiate anything because he knows you will just end up doing it. Have you tried laying off a bit and seeing if he comes to you first?

    Met Online: 02/2012
    Started talking privately: 09/20/2012
    First Met in person: 09/22/2012
    Started Dating: 10/30/2012
    Closed the Distance 4/24/2013


      Originally posted by kayla_622 View Post
      This makes me think that he has noticed you two are too different just like his previous relationship and may be shying away because of that.

      Also, it sounds as if the honeymoon stage has passed for him. This doesn't mean he should be neglecting you though and his actions/words towards you shouldn't be forced just for your sake. If you are the one always going to him and starting all the conversations then maybe he's just used to you doing that and probably thinks that he doesn't have to initiate anything because he knows you will just end up doing it. Have you tried laying off a bit and seeing if he comes to you first?
      Thanks for the reply
      Well, that's what I had thought and I tried that last night because usually if I'm quiet he'll notice pretty quickly and make sure everythings okay. But last night when I barely said anything to him, he just talked to our other friends and totally ignored me. When the time came I had to get offline (my computer shuts off at 1am so I don't stay up all night with him lol xD) he didn't even say bye, didn't tell me he loved me, nothing. He just used a little "wave smiley" type of thing. So I'm not really sure what's going on with him, and I know communication is the key to a LDR but I'm afraid if I bring this up it will stress him out or worry him if he does still have feelings for me.


        maybe ask him what is going on and see if it could be something not to do with you but he is just letting it out on you, talking things out is important


          Originally posted by TrippySkitty View Post
          Thanks for the reply
          Well, that's what I had thought and I tried that last night because usually if I'm quiet he'll notice pretty quickly and make sure everythings okay. But last night when I barely said anything to him, he just talked to our other friends and totally ignored me. When the time came I had to get offline (my computer shuts off at 1am so I don't stay up all night with him lol xD) he didn't even say bye, didn't tell me he loved me, nothing. He just used a little "wave smiley" type of thing. So I'm not really sure what's going on with him, and I know communication is the key to a LDR but I'm afraid if I bring this up it will stress him out or worry him if he does still have feelings for me.
          You need to talk to him. Doing things like the above, while it may not have been your intention, is a form of game playing and it's going to get you nowhere. It's possible it could stress you out and have you chewing a hole in your lip worrying while he feels like absolutely nothing's wrong, or it could extend the inevitable (if he's not interested, dancing around it is going to prolong the heartbreak). Talking to him about it isn't going to cause him to all of a sudden question whether or not he has feelings for you. It shouldn't stress him out and it shouldn't worry him and you shouldn't play games and keep the truth from him because you're worried you'll make him doubt your relationship. Not once have I seen a strong relationship be burdened by this question. I have seen people blame the question, but these relationships have always been headed in that direction to begin with. So what I'm going to recommend is to stop trying to guess what his behaviour means by acting in certain ways to elicit certain problems and talk to him. You said you know communicating is the key to a successful LDR, so stop holding that door shut. You are causing further detriment by not communicating, so are sort of gleaning the opposite result of what you wanted (to keep the relationship safe) by doing so. I would simply talk to him about how you've been feeling. You've noticed his behaviour has changed and you want to know if everything is okay with him and with how he feels about your relationship. It needs to be talked about, because if that question "makes" him worry if he still has feelings for you, he was already worrying about it. It's better to get it out in the open than to let it blow up in both your faces later because no one wanted to discuss it honestly with each other. And sometimes it's not even as bad as we think, but the longer we sit on it without consulting our partners, the worse it becomes in our heads.

