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    Teens Goodbye

    Me and James broke up last night. Our relationship wasn't moving forward like we hoped it would. We were constantly arguing, about silly things that when I think back now were irrelevant. I know that it was the best thing to do, because we were just hurting each other. It still doesn't make me feel better, it doesn't fix the emptiness that I am feeling. James was my boyfriend and my best friend, and I will miss every single thing about him, even the bad things. I accepted him for who he is, his flaws and everything, and I still loved him for it. But he couldn't accept my flaws, it made him love me less. The worse part is just feeling lonely. We have spoken everyday since March this year, and now we will probably never speak again. In a perfect situation, we would meet years from now, both knowing what sort of people we are, and maybe it would work out, but who knows? Right now, I have to focus on myself, so I can figure out what sort of person I am, and who sort of person I want to be. The distance, wasn't really the issue in the relationship, it was just the two people in it. I would never say never to another long distance relationship, but I know I would do things differently. I've already been tempted to text James, not hoping we will get back together, because it wouldn't happen, just to talk to him, because it's all I've ever known for months.

    Lauren x

    I'm sorry to hear that. If you really were best friends I'm sure he won't mind talking to you. Maybe tell him how difficult not talking is? He might understand or even feel the same. Maybe work out being friends in some way? I went through this with a friend and when we fell out I was so lost without him, we now talk atleast once a month at least to check on eachother. I hope things get better for you. Be strong.


      I don't know if we would be able to be friends, maybe after a while. If we just spoke every so often to see how each other is doing would suit me fine.


        At least that way you're not alone. And if you're feeling down a harmless conversation might pick you up a little. And if you ever need to talk feel free to message me, I'm always up for making new friends.


          I'm really sorry that you and your boyfriend didn't work out the way you wanted it to. It really makes your heart heavy when things go bad. There was a time when I tried to kiss my SO (before we were dating) for the first time and she pushed me away from her. I felt so bad afterwards that I cried for literally the whole day because I felt that I ruined our friendship forever. It took me a while to get out of my state of depression but I willed myself to go talk to her and sort things out. I'm blessed that she was able to forgive me and this actually made our relationship grow stronger.

          Anyway, I think at this stage you should allow yourself time to collect your thoughts and think about everything that has happened. When you feel more comfortable and collected with yourself, try and see if you can't talk to your boyfriend and see what you guys can work out. I hope and pray things work out for you two at the end


            Thank you. Maybe we can work something out in the future. Its just hard not having any contact with him, when I have been so use to it for so long. I just forget sometimes. I just want to know if he is ok. He won't have told anyone about us, so he will be keeping it all in. He only ever spoke to me.

