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Not sure what to do here...

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    Teens Not sure what to do here...

    Okay, so my girlfriend has not been honest in the past. She's was off flirting with another guy and he joked around with her with sexual comments. Not cool. Anyway, I was on the verge of breaking up with her over this, because this isn't the first time she has lied to me, or done something like this.

    Don't get me wrong.

    She's not NEARLY as bad of a person as you think she is, but naturally I've developed worries. I worry almost everyday (minor, compared to the beginning..) and she has insisted they're not friends anymore and that she has stopped talking to him because she agrees they both crossed the line and she doesn't want someone like that to tear us apart. I have since made minor gestures to see if she has intentions of becoming friends with him, but she tells me she has absolutely no thought about it.

    Here's the deal.

    I have a choice. That kid texted me recently, saying he was sorry. Now a fact I have left out- this guy used to be one of my best friends. Currently, I'm faced with an option. I could ask him if they have been talking, despite what she has said to me, and if he says yes (which he will tell me the truth, he's actually incredibly honest despite the fact we're no longer friends.) I'd just break up with her...


    I can avoid seeking another problem and let this thing become something of the past, but that takes time, and everyday I worry...

    What choice should I choose..?

    Thanks, all.

    I've kind of been in the same boat as you. It's hard when someone breaks your trust, especially if it's not a first time either. That snowball will just grow and grow.

    I personally would double check with your friend. It's not the best decision because relationship should be based on trust but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do to make yourself feel better.

    And also, if she ends up lying to you about it then you know where you stand. But maybe you should talk to her about how you feel? How it's hard for you etc.
    Last edited by wayoutofhere; December 16, 2013, 06:15 PM.


      I think you should talk to your gf and set rules for what is and what isnt cool and alowed in your relationship. She may feel things differently than you and it will always cause problems. Also, you should trust her and not to suspect her being dishonest with you. It is base of every relationship and it will never work if you will not get over your suspicion.


        If I were you, I'd be pretty wary. It's not cool to do that AGAIN. I would set firm boundaries with your girlfriend. I'm sure that she knows that what she's doing isn't okay. You gave her another chance and she blew it. If it happens again, I think it's time to say bye-bye.


          You should trust your girlfriend, hands down. If you can't do that then you're wasting your time and hers.


