Hi my name is Jonathan and I'm 15 years old. I met Carly about a month ago. I live in North Carolina and she lives in New York. When we met I thought she was the right one for me. At the time she told me that she already liked someone else. But we kept talking, over time she told me everything about herself and that's when I fell in love with her. We would talk pretty much all day, we would talk about everything, our future, the day we would meet in person and everything else. She told me at one point that she loved me and I loved her too. We would talk about how we wanted to be together and everything. Here's the part that gets sad one day she hanged out with the guy she liked, and she felt more closer to him than me. I wasn't ready to accept the fact that she might end up dating that guy which might end up happening soon. I told her that I would try to support her if she did start dating him but it would be difficult for me. There are days where I just cry because I don't wanna lose her.
We came to a agreement that we would just be best friends for now. That we will both be there for each other forever and always. I still love her more than just a friend but I need help accepting that fact that her and this guy might be dating soon. I could use any advise possible.