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    Teens I NEED HELP

    Hi my name is Jonathan and I'm 15 years old. I met Carly about a month ago. I live in North Carolina and she lives in New York. When we met I thought she was the right one for me. At the time she told me that she already liked someone else. But we kept talking, over time she told me everything about herself and that's when I fell in love with her. We would talk pretty much all day, we would talk about everything, our future, the day we would meet in person and everything else. She told me at one point that she loved me and I loved her too. We would talk about how we wanted to be together and everything. Here's the part that gets sad one day she hanged out with the guy she liked, and she felt more closer to him than me. I wasn't ready to accept the fact that she might end up dating that guy which might end up happening soon. I told her that I would try to support her if she did start dating him but it would be difficult for me. There are days where I just cry because I don't wanna lose her. We came to a agreement that we would just be best friends for now. That we will both be there for each other forever and always. I still love her more than just a friend but I need help accepting that fact that her and this guy might be dating soon. I could use any advise possible.

    You are very young, and it is natural that she, and quite possibly you, will find other people to hang out with. You have years to grow and learn and develop as a person before you become exclusive to each other. Don't cut yourself off from other people and other opportunities. Give each other space and time to live your own lives. I know you probably don't want to hear this, but the fact is that you are young, and you need to grow up, finish your education, enjoy life, and gain experience.

    Right now, you need to let her go and live her life, explore her own experiences, enjoy dating others, etc. Maybe later, when you are older, you might cross paths again, but the time isn't right for you at this moment. Right now, you need to accept this, and get busy with your own life. Don't just mope around, get busy doing things you enjoy doing, hang out with your friends, get into sports, get a hobby, or whatever you like to do. And cut back on communication with her, if it upsets you so much.

    The fact that this is happening after only a month of online communication, shows that you are not ready to handle a LDR, and apparently she isn't either. Give yourself a break, and go out and live your life.


    Nothing Can Keep Us Apart, Safe In Each Other's Heart


      There's nothing you can do. It's her decision who she wants to date.
      If you don't want to be or can't be just friends with her, it's better to cut contact alltogether.

      Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


        AussieAmericanGirl really said it the best. Go out! Enjoy yourself! Meet other girls! There's plenty out there once you let go of Carly. It's going to suck, but right now she wants to move on and be with someone closer. As said before, maybe in the future you guys will reconnect. It's not a bad thing to stay friends either.


          Me and Carly have decided for now that we will be best friends for now. We promised that no matter what happens that we will always be there for each other, and that we still wanna meet in person one day even if we're dating or not. Besides you never know what the future might have in store for each other.


            AussieAmericanGirl said it perfectly. The two of you are still young and if she can't handle the LDR, she can't. Live your life and find things that make you happy. Who knows what the future holds Best of luck


              This happened with me, except it was me who wanted to date other people. Im 19 and in college so the situation is a little different, but I wanted to date other guys because long distance romantic relationship just aren't for me and he knows that. Then some guy in one of my classes asked me out and I said yes because it was going to be years until me and my SO could close the distance so I was just looking to date around in the meantime which really hurt him but I dated this new guy anyway. After dating him for a few weeks though, I realized that I just loved my long distance guy too much to put any more effort into this new guy so I just stopped hanging out with this new guy. Ever since, I just am not interested in any new guys. Its weird because I am usually kind of boy crazy lol. But when we were going through this dilemma the long distance guy told me that if you love something set it free and if it comes back then its meant to be, and he was right! lol and now he is transferring to my college in the fall and we will be closing the distance for good so everything worked out.

