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Put Your Love On A Canvas!

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    SUCH a good idea, Michelle! Just wish it was a little less pricey.


      Aww, it looks so beautiful! ^^ I've thought about making a painting for my SO, but I'm better at drawing...But it's still an amazing feeling to show love through art...I'd reconmend it anyone, regardless of how good they are at art! ^^


        Hmm...this is a great idea! I will have to do something like this in the future. I have painted a few jars for my boyfriend. I gave him one for Valentine's Day that was black with a red rim and had 3 red hearts on it. Inside the hearts, I wrote "You + Me= Us" and he LOVED it! I filled the jar with Hershey's kisses. I just painted one recently for our 1 year anniversary, which isn't for a few months, but I had the inspiration for the jar. It is a green jar with a blue rim (Anthony's favorite colors) and I painted a white heart on it. I put our initials in the heart, and then outlined it in gold paint. Then, on the back, I wrote in gold our anniversary date. On the sides, I painted X's and O's in a vertical line all the way down the jar. I will be filling the jar with 365 reason I love him.

        "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

        Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


          Love it! My first gift to Aaron was an abstract painting at the end of our first visit
          He surprised me with his first oil painting of the place very special to us: Topsail Island where we got engaged and had our person wedding ceremony following the legal one.

          I believe I have a post about it floating around somewhere, haha.


            !!!!!!!! I did this too for my boy in my first box to him

            its his guitar (well, a bit stylized XD), i was trying to be subtle, but he figured out what i wrote in the background pretty quick haha
            sorry the file size is so big :X

            also i adore the art i've seen here
            and i love michelle's idea too


              I drew this picture of him and colored it with oil pastels (my favorite medium to use), It actually turned out better than I expected it to and it looks a lot like him:


                I actually just went to Michaels and bought an $8 box and painted that. I didn't take a picture of it though...when my SO and I skype again I'll make sure to take a snapshot and share it with you all. The canvas idea is really good! Maybe I'll do that for our one year....humm....


                  I like this idea, i've never been good at art. However someone bought me a canvas a while ago...thats gathering dust....i may try and design something....i'll most my distaster when i'm done

