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In which season would you like to be married?

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    In which season would you like to be married?

    Or do you have specific date? Time of year? Month?

    My SO and I had another talk about marriage tonight and it seems like we'll probably be tying the knot court house style in January. I never really thought about it until just now, but I don't think I ever wanted to be married in the winter. I just had this image of a spring thing. But now that it seems like January is inevitable, I'd really like our potential wedding date to be all prime numbers (2013 isn't prime but 13 is... that might be cheating). I know that sounds pretty dorky, but prime numbers are pretty cool (that sounded even more dorky). My birthday is all prime numbers and I think it'd be sweet to have a wedding with all primes.

    So I guess 1-5-13 or 1-7-13 or 1-11-13 would be suitable... 1-3-13 would be SWEET.

    How bout you guys?

    well spring, summer or autumn for me. Im not really picky. We'll be getting hitched in august court house style so whenever really. My birthday is in august...preferably i dont want to get married on my birthday.


      I think I'd want to get married in the fall or spring, I want an outdoor wedding and the weather and scenery would be beautiful plus it spreads out celebrations evenly between birthdays and holidays so it's not all jam packed into the same seasons. I'd also like to get married during an odd number date just because I love odd numbers

      Met: 8.17.09
      Started Dating: 8.20.09
      First Met: 10.2.10
      Closed the Distance: 8.9.14


        Hm, I've never thought about the exact date...maybe because I've not ever had marriage on the foreseeable horizon. But that's funny you mention prime numbers - my SO actually has this weird thing where whenever he has to enter numbers for something, like when using the microwave, he'll never put a nice rounded number like :30 or 2:00; he always picks some random prime number, with no repeating digits. Apparently his dad does the same thing. I think it's funny. If and when we reach the point of considering marriage, I'll have to ask him if his number preference will apply to choosing a date.

        Anyway, back to the topic - I've always loved the idea of a fall wedding, because that's my favorite season, and I just love the mood and the coloring possibilities. But I'd also love to have a beach wedding, which in most U.S. locations would work best in the summer. Regardless of location, I really really want an outdoor ceremony, so any date that allows for that would be fine with me.


          In the off-season so it's cheaper :P. Hey, saving money so you have a better start is plenty romantic! Haha


            My birthday is in June and so I get something to look forward to every 6 months. My SOs bday is in Oct so to evenly spread out occasions to look forward to we'd have to get married March or April.


              Any time of the year! I have no preference, to be honest


                O.O I just saw you get your dork on!! Haha, just ribbing.

                We wanted 4th of Dec as that's when we met for the first time, and it meant a lot to me, but ended up with 5th of Feb instead. I'm glad we got a summer wedding. Sure, the guys in their tuxes might not have been impressed, but for once in my life I didn't freeze my ass off at all, so I was very happy. We were blessed.

                I'd only consider a winter wedding if I could guarentee it'd snow, because snow is awesome. :P
                Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                  Originally posted by Zephii View Post
                  O.O I just saw you get your dork on!! Haha, just ribbing.

                  We wanted 4th of Dec as that's when we met for the first time, and it meant a lot to me, but ended up with 5th of Feb instead. I'm glad we got a summer wedding. Sure, the guys in their tuxes might not have been impressed, but for once in my life I didn't freeze my ass off at all, so I was very happy. We were blessed.

                  I'd only consider a winter wedding if I could guarentee it'd snow, because snow is awesome. :P
                  When you are in Canada you can celebrate a winter anniversary!


                    We're also getting married in January, 2015 that is
                    We're going for a winter wedding for a number of reasons.
                    First of all we met in winter, in a city and year where it was snowing solidly from the end of November (when we met) till mid Febuary (when I went home) and started again in March when I visited for the first time. All of our first dates where in a snowy scenery. The snow was constant. I had never seen so much snow in my life.
                    I like summer just like the next person (sitting outside til the early hours of the mornings? Picknicks? Anytime!), but I guess there is something inherently romantic about winter. The snow, the darkness, the warmness inside.
                    We also want a party with lots of food and drink. Who wants to eat a lot of heavy food when it's 30°C? And my favourite alcoholic drinks are hot (mulled wine and beer, honey wine, hot chocolate with ameretto or bailey's,....!!).
                    And with a winter wedding we spare our guests the embarrassment of sweat stains under their arms

                    Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                      I'd like/will hopefully get an autumn wedding.

                      Looks like I'll be getting married in September in Canada, hopefully around the date we first met in person. Last year the weather was beautiful, not too hot, not too cold and dry so fingers crossed it's ok this time as we're hoping to get married outside.
                      As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                        Rabbit season? Or.. maybe... duck season :P


                          I prefer duck to rabbit :P
                          Last edited by Daumina; May 28, 2012, 06:35 AM.


                            I've always wanted a beach wedding - and living in Florida sort of makes that possible most of the year Not the middle of summer because it would be way too hot and not in June (which stinks because our anniversary is in June) since it's the most popular wedding month. I like the idea of getting married on New Year's Eve but he's actually mentioned May as a possible wedding month. Spring is probably the nicest time of year to get married down here.

                            Now if we got married up in New Hampshire? Definitely not winter. It would have to be summer or fall. It's too cold up there for me any other time of year!


                              Id love to have a winter wedding but in winter my nose spends the whole time red, so no way do i want a red nose on my wedding day! We've settle on 8th August 2013 because thats our 3 year mark of getting together so its easy to remember :P And Canadian summers are normally pretty good, so it'd be the better time of year.
                              My parents got married on the 22-2-02 at 2:20pm! Mum decided on that so my dad wouldnt forget it! :P

