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In which season would you like to be married?

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    dont really matter but definitively not fall, im not into the cold weather at all


      This may seem weird but I like winter. I just like the winter months even though I'm cold natured. lol




          Originally posted by prinzeza87 View Post
          dont really matter but definitively not fall, im not into the cold weather at all
          haha, i'm exactly the opposite! i'd love a fall or winter wedding. i refuse to get married in june... it's too darn hot. plus that's "prime wedding season", which i still don't understand. but, no. no summer wedding for this girl.

          2016 Goal: Buy a house.
          Progress: Complete!

          2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
          Progress: Working on it.


            Just had two summer weddings to attend this past weekend. I sat there thinking of ways to kill myself with what I had available.. It was way too hot (30+C) and way too humid. If I was in a more moderate climate, I'd consider summer. My favourite season has always been fall though, but both our birthdays are in october and I kind of want to spread special days throughout the year, so I'd like mid to late spring. I gave this some thought..

            Married: June 9th, 2015


              I want to do it in the fall SO badly. My cousin got married in early October a few years ago in my town, which is a colonial New England town, and it was GORGEOUS. Autumn is also my favorite season, and I love the cool, dry weather and the colors of the leaves everywhere. The problem is my birthday is at the end of October and his birthday is in early December, so it doesn't leave a lot of time for weddings! I think ideally we'd do it towards the end of September, since by then the leaves have begun to change but they haven't all fallen off yet, and it's NOT my birthday month!
              Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
              Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
              Engaged: 09/26/2020


                definetely in spring, to be precise i would love to get married to him in january, on the 18 th the day we started dating


                  I would want either a Spring or Fall wedding. I want an outdoor ceremony so those those 2 seasons would be nice but it also depends on where the wedding will actually take place, then I'll make a final decision between those 2 seasons.


                    100% Summer, I do not like the cold!


                      I would like a spring wedding but that's because I kinda want to get married on the beach at sunset. I absolutely love the beach. It is so beautiful. The weather is nicer in the spring as well. It's not too hot and its always sunny. I also think it would be cool to be married on April 7th because we started dating April 7th, 2009. (:

                      "I love you and I've loved you all along and I miss you. Been far away for far too long."<3


                        The first season available once I move back from China!
                        (I don't think he'll be quite ready then, though... lol)


                          He would like winter, I would like fall. So we were thinking in between there, like November or early December? We just need to think of a location! It obviously has to be indoors...but neither of us want to marry in a church. So we're kind of stuck at the moment :P


                            Well I was born in the summer and my bf was born in the early summer. I have this thing about getting married in summer on my bday but I'm thinking it would be sweeter if we got married on our anniversary (the date we started dating) ^-^ But he likes winter somewhat and is normally happy to agree on anything with me, so hopefully when we get marred later on it would be in the summer


                              My favorite season is spring......everything is fresh, new and blooming and the temps are not hot!


                                Originally posted by Snowlilly View Post
                                My favorite season is spring......everything is fresh, new and blooming and the temps are not hot!
                                good to know

                                Love you,

