Originally posted by Tooki
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Getting married the "right" way
Originally posted by lyonsgirl View Post(This is also in response to Verojoon as well) I'm not saying I haven't sinned. I'm just saying if one of my good friends, who I know is also a Christian, makes a decision that goes against a belief that Christians have/follow, I would probably be very upfront with them about it. If one of my friends, who I know is not a believer, makes the same decision, I would not confront them the same way I would my Christian friend.
Meanwhile, there are no solid rules for Wiccans other than 'harm none' so I'm going to go right ahead and judge that the guy who wrote the article is a bloody moronHappily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person
Originally posted by lyonsgirl View Post(This is also in response to Verojoon as well) I'm not saying I haven't sinned. I'm just saying if one of my good friends, who I know is also a Christian, makes a decision that goes against a belief that Christians have/follow, I would probably be very upfront with them about it. If one of my friends, who I know is not a believer, makes the same decision, I would not confront them the same way I would my Christian friend.
Originally posted by floridaellen View PostOh okay - I misunderstood your post. The one thing I hate about the internet!
Originally posted by lyonsgirl View PostI tend to agree with you. I don't believe some things that other branches of Christianity believe, and I know others don't believe what I believe. But, at the same time, if the answer to the questions "Do you believe that Jesus is your Lord and Savior?" and "Do you believe that God sent His son to save you?" are "yes", I'm going to hold you to a different standard than if the answer is "no". Not higher, not lower, just, different..
I'm not religious anymore so it doesn't apply to me nowdays.
I treat branches as independent though, even within the seperate Protestant reformations. Catholicism and Protestantism are very different on some fundamental levels.
All I can say to this is if my parents didn't do the deed before they were married I wouldn't exist. I've gotten pretty used to existingMet: Apr 2013
Mutual interest: July 2013
Relationship Began: November 6 2013
First Visit (Her to Me): July 4 2014
Second Visit(Me to Her): Jan/Feb 2015Postponed due to sister having baby
Second Visit! (Her to Me again): June 16 2015 - July 4 2015
Engaged: June 29 2015 <3
Third Visit: (Her to me, working on it) January 19 2016 - February 2 2016
I believe in God, as in Jesus being my Savior and all. To me, that is the only thing that makes sense. I was raised to not have sex until marriage, and I believe those ways of structuring a relationship made my parents as well as my sister and her husband very happy. I have never been able to see myself in Christian sexual morals, I know a lot of Christians at least do sleep with their fiances but I always felt very free to sleep with people I was smitten with from the start, and then getting to know them after the sex, kind of like a bottoms up approach to sex and love. My ex said that once you have shared a bed, you are free to want to get to know them with no incentive behind it other than the hunger for knowledge about the person. Christians are right that sharing a bed can cloud your judgment about the strenght of the relationship, still not sharing a bed with the buildup of sexual tention while sharing every non -sexual detail about yourself is not neccesarily the right way to know a person. I tried that too, for four years I was mutually in love with a guy and never once slept with him, I don't even know what he looks like naked. Either way, sexuality is part of the equation. I like the Christian focus on communication and constant relationship improvement, which in many ways go quite well with polyamory. I don't think there is only one way.I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
- Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"
"Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits
I'm glad that article had the "comments disabled" feature.
I found it irritating. While his experience was pleasant, I don't think any of us should be judging each other.
Me and DN are waiting until marriage, even if we live together. We are committed to that, because it's what we want - not because we care what people think. It's going to be spiritually fulfilling for us to do so. However, I wouldn't judge someone for not doing the same.
Everyone has their own opinion and everyone can disagree. However, I cannot agree with the negative and judgmental tone of this article.From America to India. ♥