One of my facebook friends (in real life we are acquaintances at best) posted this article about how to get married the "right" way. I knew when I saw it I shouldn't read it because it would make me mad, but I had nothing better to do, and now I'm mad. 
I respect people's choice to wait until marriage to become intimate or not to. This article pissed me off because the whole tone is like everyone whose having sex before marriage is a floozy whose marriage will ends in flames. And can we really say there is a right and wrong way to celebrate love? I don't know... I shouldn't have read that article!

I respect people's choice to wait until marriage to become intimate or not to. This article pissed me off because the whole tone is like everyone whose having sex before marriage is a floozy whose marriage will ends in flames. And can we really say there is a right and wrong way to celebrate love? I don't know... I shouldn't have read that article!
