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Marriage talk with your SO

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    me and my SO have been talking for two months, dating since the 4th of july, and we talk about it all the time. shes the one can't wait to marry her!


      We talk about it all the time. I've recently become obsessed with planning our wedding. We still have a little while to go though because I still have 2 years of school. The plan is to get engaged in around 10 months or so I guess then get married in Fall of 2013 so I can graduate and we can find a place to live. We're going to live in his hometown. It's a city with a lot more opportunities for us. He grew up there, and I really like it too. We talk about the wedding, our marriage, and kids pretty well every day. I love that he's not afraid to talk about the future with me.


        Originally posted by blferguson1s View Post
        We talk about it all the time. I've recently become obsessed with planning our wedding. We still have a little while to go though because I still have 2 years of school. The plan is to get engaged in around 10 months or so I guess then get married in Fall of 2013 so I can graduate and we can find a place to live. We're going to live in his hometown. It's a city with a lot more opportunities for us. He grew up there, and I really like it too. We talk about the wedding, our marriage, and kids pretty well every day. I love that he's not afraid to talk about the future with me.

        ill be getting married in 2013 too!!! lol not sure what month yet but lol


          Oh man, I wouldn't even know how to start talking about the idea of marriage with Zach. We're both 19 now and have only been together for 5 and a half months so if marriage is in our future, it wouldn't be for QUITE a while.
          I love him dearly though, so I wouldn't mind bringing it up to him and seeing how he reacts. Not necessarily saying "oh are we gonna get married?" but more like just talking in hypotheticals about what our lives would be like if we did. I'm not sure how to breach the topic though... any pointers?


            We've been talking about marriage and kids since..idk, couple months into the relationship I guess (be reminded, though, that we've been friends for over 6 years, so it wasn't as rushed-into as it may sound). He text-proposed eventually (wish I still had the message, but it auto-deleted - evil phone XP) and kinda found new ways to ask again a couple times (even though I enthusiastically said yes the first time), and I've been calling and considering him my fiance since before even that and have been calling each other husband and wife for ages, too. He already knows he's gonna have to take a knee and ask again when I'm there, though. XD
            I am only 18 right now, but he is 33 and has been married before. He doesn't take the question or the names lightly, and neither do I. After he and Sarah fell apart, he swore he'd never get married again and he had great difficulty being comfortable letting any of his girlfriends associate with his daughter (3 when we got together, 4 years old now), and I'm happier than I could say that I've convinced him otherwise about marriage and it is bliss for me that not only has he trusted me to associate with his daughter since the very first chance I got to meet her, but he immediately, proudly, introduced me as his girlfriend and was saying the sweetest things to her like asking if she wanted to move me in with daddy and "should we change Frankie's name? Wanna make her Frankie Rose Naqvi?" and stuff like that, and she tells me all the time that she loves me. XD <3 Love it all and take it all deeply to heart.

            Oh, and it's kinda not decided if we'll really have a wedding. I mean, I want to have something - a get-together of some kind with his family, maybe mine if they could make it. But, it's about $1300-2000 per person for a flight from here (America) to there (England) and it's a pain to get his family together for a wedding. Anyway, it'll be enough of an expense to get me there and there is the time limit on the marriage visa. XP Stupid immigration. So, since it's such a big move we're trying to wait until I'm done with university (only just starting this Fall), although I know we'd both rather I transfer to University of Derby.


              Me and my SO know for sure without a doubt we will be married one day! Patience is a virtue though.. It will happen one day!


                We talk about marriage every once in awhile. He actually surprised me two weeks ago when I was visiting him. He asked if I wanted to get married when I finished school in two years. I was shocked he had even thought about it! I don't want to get married until we've lived together for a few years though. It's always fun to talk about it though.


                  I know my SO and I talk about it all the time. We both know we want to be with each other its just a matter of waiting til she finishes school.


                    Good lord, my SO and I talk about it all the time, mainly because I wanted to be a wedding planner when I was 18. I am still extremely interested in that kind of stuff, so whenever something like that comes up in a magazine or a show I watch then I tend to start talking about it. My SO and I want to get married after college though (another 2 years), but at least we will have a lot of things already planned out

                    *~*~*Forever & Always*~*~*


                      Originally posted by Cali2LDN View Post
                      My SO and I are always talking about getting married and we know we want. We've talked about the wedding, where to have it, what to do etc etc...
                      Him and I have not met yet and we are not even engaged yet.

                      Does anyone else have these type of conversations with their SO?
                      Me and my SO talk about this all the time and we havent met yet either! I love talking about our future!


                        He brought it up casually one evening; but the second time he brought it up, he managed to make me cry. :'D
                        We talk about marriage all the time but, of course, we're not ready until after we finish school.


                          So my SO and I aren't the only ones who talk about marriage before even meeting. :o
                          But yes, we haven't actually talked about the plans, but we already say we know we want to get married after we meet. Just from really knowing each other online we know we were meant for each other.
                          Met Online: 2009-10
                          Started Talking: Jan 25, 2011
                          Relationship Started: June 25, 2011
                          First Meeting: June 9, 2014
                          Engaged: June 12, 2014
                          Second Visit and Road Trip: Sep 3, 2014


                            My SO and I haven't discussed it yet, but it's kind of been implied haha. We've both said that we don't want to get married until our late 20s (although speaking hypothetically!) and that we both want kids in our early 30s. We agreed that we don't want to talk about anything marriage-wise just yet, as it's the first serious relationship either of has had, and we've known too many people that had that talk too soon, and were left devastated in the end. That sounds rather depressing typed out, haha. But we're just trying to take it slow, and focus on finding a way to live together first. And then marriage and babies!!
                            But that being said, I've known since before my SO and I started dating that I could see a future with him, and after dating him for about 6 weeks, I knew I wanted to marry him.

                            Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                            Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                            Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                              We haven't formally had a conversation about it, but it's been implied and hinted at. He mentioned the other day something about us knowing each other for 2/3 of our lives and we'll be together for many more, so the first 6 where we didn't know each other will one day be insignificant. It was adorable! I'd love to bring up the topic of marriage, but I just don't think it's the right time for us yet.

                              "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                              Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                                Casey and I talk about this stuff all the time. We're not engaged or anything, but we both know that we're going to get married some day. We've talked about how, where, when, and such. He wants a spring wedding (April) and I think he imagines a whole ceremony and such. But with going to my cousins wedding this past Canada Day weekend, I saw all the stress from my family and it makes me think that just getting married with the two of us and our witnesses would be best. We've talked about this and it would be smart because of the distance. Just have a wedding with us, then have two receptions near both our families. That way, nobody has to spend a butt-load on plane tickets and hotels (except maybe him and I lol) and the "best day of our lives" wont become the most stressful.

