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Doesn't want to wear his wedding ring

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    As for other people who have replied, I find that wearing wedding rings is a symbol of marriage, and therefore pretty important to me. Sam hates any kind of jewellery or other crap in his hands/arms (one time he had to put a plaster on his finger and said he hated the feel of it and took it off ).. he's not going to wear an engagement ring, I'm alright with it (we'd prooobably get married quite soon after the engagement anyway, so.. ) but.. he wouldn't really even want to wear a wedding ring and.. pfft.. I'd feel pretty weird if he didn't but, ultimately, it's his decision and I don't have a say in it.


      OK, now I'm curious! What's with the guys wearing engagement rings? I've never heard of that before in the US, is it some type of tradition? It makes sense, of course, its just something new to me
      Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


        I think the engagement ring thing is different. An engagement ring says, traditionally, "Here is the proof that I can financially support you". In most cultures, a girl doesn't need to prove that to her man. Traditionally, she provided a dowry instead. Now that we don't do that, perhaps and exchange of engagement rings would be better... But I don't know. That still strikes me as weird. Like Obi, I think only the bloke should know you're getting engaged soon.

        We'll both be wearing rings though. There was never a discussion, he just assumed he'd do it *shrugs* and I'd be weirded out if he didn't.
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          Originally posted by Moon View Post
          OK, now I'm curious! What's with the guys wearing engagement rings? I've never heard of that before in the US, is it some type of tradition? It makes sense, of course, its just something new to me
          Well here in Finland (it concerns you now Moon ) both the man and the woman usually wear an engagement ring... And they usually buy them together too which I know isn't very romantic but it's practical lol.

          Andy finds that weird too since they don't do that in Britain (and probably not anywhere else either by the sound of it hah) and he said he wouldn't want to wear one. I really wish he would but I'll cave with this I think as long as he promises to wear the wedding band!


            My SO and I haven't had this discussion. Up until this thread, I , like Moon, had never ever heard of a guy wearing an engagement ring! In the US, it's assumed that the woman wears the ring. WHen you get married, both wear rings.

            I love my parent's wedding bands. They are very simple, just three bands one made of gold, one made of silver and one made of bronze. Not overly girly or overly masculine. It's the only jewelry my father wears and he rarely ever takes it off, even though he's a mechanic and works with his hands. I would feel really upset if my husband refused to wear a wedding ring. To me that would be being ashamed that you were married!
            "We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love " ~ Theodore Seuss Geisel.


              Originally posted by Moon View Post
              OK, now I'm curious! What's with the guys wearing engagement rings? I've never heard of that before in the US, is it some type of tradition? It makes sense, of course, its just something new to me
              It's not a tradition here yet, I don't think. I think it's a newer fad currently coming into popularity. I think it's a result of the fact that more women feel comfortable with being the partner to propose instead of waiting for the man to pop the question. It could also be a way of visually "claiming" the man in case anyone is "looking" at them. :P

              My guy doesn't wear a "mangagement" band, but I got him a wedding band he loves. He picked it out himself, so he knows he'll want to wear it. Different rings have different weights and feel different on the finger (i.e. more comfortable) so perhaps if the guy gets to choose his ring personally, he'll feel more inclined to want to wear it.
              Last edited by Trethsparr; March 7, 2011, 11:52 AM.
              My heart belongs to a pilot!


                This is so interesting about men not wearing rings as much. I mean I knew that is was more common for the men to not wear them and the woman to wear one, but in my family it is opposite. My mum always forgets to wear her wedding ring, or just doesn't put it on, and my Dad wears his every single day. I remember once he said he didn't like that she didn't wear hers when he wears his every day :P

                Personally I would like if I were married for both parties to wear a ring. My SO doesn't like rings, but she said she would wear a wedding one ..I think?


                  Originally posted by Tanja View Post
                  Well here in Finland (it concerns you now Moon ) both the man and the woman usually wear an engagement ring... And they usually buy them together too which I know isn't very romantic but it's practical lol.

                  Andy finds that weird too since they don't do that in Britain (and probably not anywhere else either by the sound of it hah) and he said he wouldn't want to wear one. I really wish he would but I'll cave with this I think as long as he promises to wear the wedding band!
                  Ah ha!! That explains it. Thank you, Tanja and you can be sure I won't forget it
                  I'm just so shocked that Raine has never told me about this, hahaha.
                  Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


                    I wore my wedding ring AS an engagement ring before we got married (because we were engaged LD for a while), I guess just to say that this one's taken? :P You know how people can be about LD relationships, and figure they'll break so easily that they don't exist... >: (


                      When that time comes for my SO he will definitely wear his ring. He wouldn't complain about it but even if he did complain about it I would make him.

                      If he doesn't want to wear a ring have you ever thought about letting him tattoo a ring with your name or the wedding date or something on his wedding ring finger?! I have known several people in the past who have done that because they don't like wearing jewelry. Just something to think about.


                        Originally posted by BoogleBee View Post
                        Personally I would like if I were married for both parties to wear a ring. My SO doesn't like rings, but she said she would wear a wedding one ..I think?
                        I would most definitely wear an engagement and/or wedding ring.


                          I understand that a wedding ring is simply an outward sign of an inner commitment, but it is important to me. My husband told me when we were engaged that he wasn't sure about a wedding band for himself, that he didn't like jewelry and couldn't imagine it being comfortable. I expressed how important it was to me, and while I know of couples who have done alternatives, I did not feel like any of them would mean the same thing to me. He agreed to wear one, and I had a custom one made by an Etsy artisan. He loved it so much that as soon as it arrived and he tried it on he refused to take it off, so for a few weeks it was like he had an engagement ring too. He told me just the other day how much he loves it, and when a waitress tried flirting with him shortly after we got married when he was out with a friend he admitted he had flaunted it a little hoping to deter her, lol. My feelings, and his unexpected ring-love aside, if he hadn't grown to like wearing the ring I can't imagine "making" him.

                          Your guy might discover that he loves wearing a ring, or can tolerate it. If not, or if his job is too dangerous, then I would say that a new compromise and a happy alternative should be found. My rule, even when I feel strongly about something, is to treat others as I want to be treated and I wouldn't want to be forced to wear something for the rest of my life that I didn't like. As for the finger tattoo suggestion I have seen floating around, fingers don't tattoo well and many artists will refuse to do such a tattoo since it will smudge and fade and overall be "bad advertisement" for them.


                            Lol I want my future husband to wear his wedding ring. I will be wearing a wedding ring so he should as well, but i'm very if he won't wear his wedding ring then I won't wear mine either haha.

                            Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


                              Originally posted by OneForTheRomance View Post
                              Tattoos is actually what my SO want to do. Not sure I'm so into that.
                              maybe he can do it and you can get the real ring lol


                                Hmmm, I wouldn't feel comfortable knowing that my hubby doesn't wear his wedding band. It is an outward symbol of commitment and for that reason, it is important to me.
                                Met Online : July 2013
                                Met in person : April - May 2014 (3 wks)
                                2nd visit : June - August 2014 (2 months)
                                3rd visit : December - Jan (2wks)
                                Proposal : December 2014
                                Closed distance : February 2015
                                Married : April 5, 2015

