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How did you decide WHEN to get married?

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    How did you decide WHEN to get married?

    I've been curious about this for a while. For my sister and her husband, the date was significant as it was the two-year anniversary of them dating. I'm curious as to how others chose their wedding date.

    The date includes day as well as year!


      I always thought about when my wedding would be. I think I would want to spread all significant dates evenly throughout the year (Christmas, bdays, anniversaries) so that there was always something to look forward to. My Bday is in June and his is Oct so a spring wedding would keep it even. I would want them even so that each date would have its own special meaning not smooshed together with another occasion. I also thought the 11/11/11 wedding would be cool, but times ticking and I'm not even engaged yet.


        I wanted it to be on our anniversaries, but he doesn't seem to think the date itself is important. And if we have the wedding in the US, I'm not sure I want it in the winter...We've talked about signing the papers and having a wedding on different days to make everyone happy. (:

        As for the year, we might get married because of circumstances, we don't know yet, so for now we'll just have to see how it goes.

        I have a colleague who is getting married on the 9/10/11. It's kinda cool, but I'm not sure I want the significance of the date to be a pretty number.


          I have always, always wanted to use my anniversary as my wedding day. I see getting married as just another step in the relationship we already have so it seems fitting to me to get married on the day we became an official couple. As for the year, it will probably be the same year he asks me to marry him unless he asks me at the end of a year or something because he's stated he doesn't want a long engagement and I'm not too fond of them myself. We'll most likely get engaged/married next year and if not in 2012 then in 2013.


            I had always wanted to get married in the winter, i had daydreams of snow, and walking down the isle in my white dress with a whole winter wonderland wedding theme. but now i don't really know. We would have to plans months in advance, so i don't think the date is to important for us, but! lol if i can have my choice i want to be married by or before 2017 lolz, thats my hope because i want to have or start having my kids before i turn 30 or in my early early 30's, i want to be a young momma lol I wouldn't want to get married on our anniversary date, but other than those things, im happy with whenever he wants me to be his wife lol
            I love you Nathan <3
            5/25/09 <3


              When we talked about marriage - it was a bit rushed, we decided it would be during my visit in Japan which was from March 31st to April 18th. So we had to chose between those dates. Then we talked about getting married on the 11th, since it would then be 11.04.11. That date would look the same both in Japan and Denmark (since Japan does Y/M/D, but Denmark does D/M/Y). But because of all the things we wanted to get done after the paper work, we decided to do it earlier and since "4" is my favorite digit, we married on the 04.04.11.

              Overall we never had any significant date we wanted. (even though we talked about 11.11.11 of course could be fun)


                I've never thought about it in great detail, but my main thoughts were in a mild season when it's not going to be 40degrees celcius or really cold. So spring, early summer, or early autumn. Although, that also varies with which country we get married in, lol. It would be nice to avoid familie's birthdays too. But we'll see.
                Together since: Feb 23rd 2005.
                First met: June 13th 2006


                  Originally posted by kiara_silver View Post
                  I had always wanted to get married in the winter, i had daydreams of snow, and walking down the isle in my white dress with a whole winter wonderland wedding theme. but now i don't really know. We would have to plans months in advance, so i don't think the date is to important for us, but! lol if i can have my choice i want to be married by or before 2017 lolz, thats my hope because i want to have or start having my kids before i turn 30 or in my early early 30's, i want to be a young momma lol I wouldn't want to get married on our anniversary date, but other than those things, im happy with whenever he wants me to be his wife lol
                  I want a winter wedding, too!!!!

                  We're roughly estimating January 2014.
                  I don't really remember how we chose the year. I guess we figured it would have been a reasonable time to have been dating (will be 4 years by then), so it doesn't look like we rush into marriage and we'll both probably be in our last year of uni.
                  I had originally wanted to get married on a beach, or at the very least, in a short dress. My boyfriend is practising Catholic, though and apparently knees have to be covered in Catholic churches so no short dress for me.
                  Since we started dating in winter (and what a winter! I've never seen so much snow in my life) we decided on a winter-themed wedding. We didn't want it in December, though because that's so close to Christmas and by February lent is usually beginning and it in Poland a wedding during lent isn't a good idea either.
                  That leaves January.

                  (However I've recently discovered that I'm going to move back to Poland by February 2014, so we might postpone... but I don't really want that)

                  Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                    We are so lame, that we have decided a wedding date before our engagement
                    September 14 2013
                    We will get engaged some time after my 21st on August 11 2011 (well I think so anyway). So we figured 2 years is a good period, cause we will be planning a wedding in our home town, and there will be a lot of time, organisation, and costs involved with planning long distanced. Plus my favourite flowers, wattles are out in September .... I didn't wanna get married Jan, June, July, Aug, Oct, or Dec, cause of weather.


                      When we originally made our plan to end the distance, we thought we'd get engaged that summer ('10), but life had other plans and we ended the distance much sooner and wanted to have his father be our officiant. After we got engaged that March, we decided to get married that same summer, because his dad was supposed to deploy the next year also we knew it was the right time and we didn't want to "live in sin" any longer than necessary. We then chose August to give us time to plan, and the 7th since our dating anniversary was October 7th. We ended up eloping instead (yeah, planning didn't work out for us very well, haha), but we kept the date


                        We got engaged in June 2010, and we thought we would have about a year engagement. We knew we wanted to get married in either May or June 2011 since his classes ended in early May, and we wanted to have enough of the summer left to settle into a marriage routine before he returns to college for his senior year. At first we had talked about June 8th (since it would be our 1.5th anniversary), but we ultimately picked Saturday, June 11th, 2011 at 11 o'clock in the morning.

                        Also our birthdays are June 21st and June 22nd respectively, so it will be nice to "celebrate" them together for the first time as a married couple.
                        My heart belongs to a pilot!


                          Well, we haven't talked about marriage at all, or even about a possible engagement. I really want to get married on our anniversary. That's something that's just really special to me and I think it would be so nice to have the same anniversary forever. Me, being the girl and the dreamer....I looked ahead in my phone calender and found August 17th, 2019 falls on a Saturday! My boyfriend will be 27, and I will be turning 27 about 2 weeks after that day, so it's the ideal age I was hoping to get married around. We'll both be done with college/grad school/tech school and we'll both have stable careers at that point. Also, that day is significant to us because we'll be together 9 years at that point and that September will be 20 years that we've known each other and been best friends! So yeah, I think our anniversary in 2019 would be ideal lol.

                          "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                          Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                            We decided to get married on his parents anniversary, with his parents present.


                              I've been with my girl for only like 2 weeks but have been talking for 2 months and we know were meant for each other. its amazing. we just connect and it all fits idk if anyone else has that feeling. but i just KNOW. no doubts. adn we decided to get engaged when she moves here and makes it no longer a LDR. then a year or so later get married. we both wanna be 21 when we do get married so it works out i cant wait to spend my life with her

