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Changing your last name

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    I'm planning on taking his last name. Our last names actually start with the same first 3 letters but his is DeR while mine is just Der so it's a small change. Plus his is longer and French and I think it's great, so I'm excited.


      We have no idea! I will most likely end up taking his name. I'd be happy. His name is already "double barreled" as we've called it. He's adopted so he kept his birth mothers name and hyphinated with his adopted family name. He's very excited to be the first of a brand new line. He wouldnt mind adding the 4 short letters of my last name to the mix. I think if that happened, legally it would appear one way, signayures another, and in social context it would be different still. It also makes me wonder in the teacher world what will I do. Many teachers often "pick" the easier name so as not to trip up students. If we mashed up pur names, nothing would change in my classroom haha. But our children, (if/when that happens) most definately, will take his name. I buy into the romantisism, and feel that I can honor my family in the first or middle naming, as has been done in my family for generations already. (I have the same middle name as my mother and her grandmother, while it was MY grandmothers first name.). Its just as much of a gift.


        I do plan on taking his last name. I cant wait, plus its a nice enough last name. Has a good sound with my first name.

        Finding myself.


          Well for me I have no problem changing my last name to his. My best friends name is his last name and has been a name in my life since I was a kid. Kind of funny when I think about it because all my best girl friends as a kid had this name. I also had a lot of guy friends with his name, funny how some things are there and work out. I want his name because I am proud of him and proud he is my other half. He is a wonderful guy and I am very happy with him. I also tease him and tell him people will finally pronounce my name right!


            Had a talk to him about this the other night. Because I want to keep mine in some manner and want to remove my middle name, I'll simply make my surname as my middle and his last as my last. Made me happy. Made him happy because it makes me happy and he still gets to put his name on me without it being hyphenated.


              I plan on taking his last name.
              No hyphens.


                I want to take his last name. It makes me sound more Irish, and, well, it means I'm his, forever.
                "I love thee to the depth, and breadth, and height my soul can reach..." ~Elizabeth Barrett Browning


                  Originally posted by LilyChiba View Post
                  Had a talk to him about this the other night. Because I want to keep mine in some manner and want to remove my middle name, I'll simply make my surname as my middle and his last as my last. Made me happy. Made him happy because it makes me happy and he still gets to put his name on me without it being hyphenated.
                  deppends on the rules of the country, i wanted to do exactly what you did, but german laws didn't allow me. so my midde name was gone and in order for me to keep my last name (that i wanted to make my middle name), and also add his as my last, I had to hyphenate. But I like it as well!!! more than I thought I would actually!
                  our story.


                  02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

                  "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


                    I'm pretty sure whether we end up here or in the states, I will most likely be able to do it. I know it can be done here, since I've had friends that have. But yeah, I just want to keep my name out of respect for the man who brought me into this world and have the name of my love as well.


                      I have no idea. I'll probably take his name, but I am very fond of mine...


                        I like my current last name a lot more than my SO's. Well, actually, he has two last names, as is traditional in Peru, and in theory I should be taking the first of those (which is the one I don't like) and tacking my own last name on to that, but it clashes really badly with my name. I have a pretty English sounding name and his is Spanish-Chinese, and when you put them together, they just don't work well. I don't really think I'll change my name.

                        In social situations, however, I would looooooooooove to be addressed as "Mr. and Mrs. Chau." It's short and cute and it makes me feel like I"m his.

                        Another thing to consider... what name will our kids take?! I want them to take my last name, but he wants them to take his. I dunno.
                        Canadian permanent residence APPROVED!
                        Closed the Distance: 09/26/2019
                        Engaged: 09/26/2020


                          I would take my husbands last name. My last name is pretty cool though, but I would give it up. Early on in our relationship my SO asked me about this as they were talking about it on a radio talk show. He said he would be pretty up set if his wife didn't. Not sure why exactly.


                            I must say, I like my last name, it's been mine all of my life!!! :P In Mexico we have two last names (dad's first, mom's second), but when people get married, women get to keep their father's last name adding her husband's last name with the word "de" (meaning "of") in the middle of them, something like this "Maria Rodriguez de (of) Lopez"

                            However, if we get to the point of marriage, and since I'd be moving to Canada, I'd take my SO's last name, first because it's Irish and I've been in love with Ireland for years... but also, because my last name, as much as I love it, has carried me some misunderstandings before when in contact with people from USA or Canada because of how it is spelled and how a native English speaker would pronounce it (even my SO mispronounced it when he new what it was, but I found it really cute). My SO even suggested using a hyphen so I could keep my last name, but that would be too long and I'm lazy lol

                            “Laughing like children, living like lovers, rolling like thunder under the covers”


                              I had a conversation similar to this and i told him i wouldn't change my name. To me nobody in my family when married changes name plus I love the fact that i have to last names because I came from mom & dad. If i change my name my kids won't even get my last name as their second last name. Idk maybe I'm just weird but i like to think that is our kids and not just last name being passed down. Maybe its part of my culture why I'm like this. When i was in fourth grade my professor scolded me because i didn't put my two last names on a test and told me that it was just as important that my fathers last name. lol just seems funny now BUT entirely true my dad has been not involved in my life and my moms last name is more important to me cuz she's my mom/dad. The bad part if i pass down a last name would be my dad and idk how i feel about that. I don't like his last name either lol but i never would say it to him but defintly I'm keeping my options open who know Mr & Mrs does sound kinda cute.


                                My SO is taking my name his surname name is lovely... but it only suits him my first name would go horribly with his surname, and he has no aversion to taking mine! A lot of people think its weird to a guy to take the woman's name but meh

