I confess to being somewhat heartbroken by the announcement that Microsoft are to pull WLM in favour of Skype in 2013.
Not that I use WLM anymore, at all. However, I grew up using it - I found friends through it, it became part of my essential internet-life from 2001 - 2007/2008, and I'll feel somewhat empty without it being there! Even though I use a MacBook now...
Anybody else from that era going to feel a tug on the techy heart strings?
Microsoft announced that Windows Live Messenger will be retired in favor of Skype worldwide except mainland China. Users using Windows Live Messenger are able to merge their Microsoft account with their Skype account, allowing them to communicate with their Messenger contacts via the Skype clients. Users will have until the first quarter of 2013 to make the transition.
Anybody else from that era going to feel a tug on the techy heart strings?