Does anyone know of a way to share your screen that has a decent FPS and doesn't lag much? We thought we'd play games with each other, but sometimes one of us just wants to watch the other. We've done DS games through Skype, but we're having lag issues with DosBox games. 
Edit: We found a site called Yuuguu that was pretty good. Skype still seems to have higher FPS, but I think it's because you can select smaller portions of your screen to share, so it's not always transmitting the whole desktop. But Yuuguu was nice because you could connect it to other IMs and it had a option to increase performance or quality.
We're still searching for something with a decent enough FPS, but it's probably the amount of constant transferring data that is the problem. He thought he could just record video and send it to me, but then he wouldn't know when he'd do it since if he's on the computer usually I am (time differences :P) lol

Edit: We found a site called Yuuguu that was pretty good. Skype still seems to have higher FPS, but I think it's because you can select smaller portions of your screen to share, so it's not always transmitting the whole desktop. But Yuuguu was nice because you could connect it to other IMs and it had a option to increase performance or quality.
We're still searching for something with a decent enough FPS, but it's probably the amount of constant transferring data that is the problem. He thought he could just record video and send it to me, but then he wouldn't know when he'd do it since if he's on the computer usually I am (time differences :P) lol