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here is smth fun to do and actually serious at the same time

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    Originally posted by tissa View Post
    @ squiddie

    1) YOu need a partner who is funny and independent and can take care of himself.
    2) YOu see yourself as a fish and you see yourself as a person who can adapt to all kinds of situations taking all kinds of shapes, colors, and sizes if needed.
    3) If you had a chance to go back to your childhood you would change it completely. Whether you grew up in a single home, your parents had bad relationships, someone important died when you were little, may be you grew up in an abusive family or were bullied in school and had a hard time in any way - you do not like it and your unconscious mind tells you that if only you could go back and change it all - you would. And there must have been something important in your childhood, some event or a person, that you are still carrying through all your life (whether it is good or bad - it affects you today)
    4) In difficult situations you do not loose your face and you try to stay calm. You also try not to take action before the situation gets better and you do not mind help of others and prefer to wait till everything gets better. YOu are a careful person
    5) When you pick your dates you know exactly what type of men you like (SPICY!) and you know that that type of men will give you what you need and what you want, that satisfaction in a smell, taste, and fulfillment. Also you may be interested in men who are a little extraordinary, because your choice of food was not typical
    This is interesting, though I think the white room question may have been read into a little too deeply. My childhood not withstanding, I am not comfortable with the color white. It's pretty, but I'm one of those people who will invariably spill tomato sauce or grape juice on the pristine white carpet or a white blouse, and then have to deal with it.

    If you look for it, I've got a sneaking actually is all around


      These are my answers:

      1) What is your favorite pet and 3 reasons why
      2) What is your favorite wild animal and 3 reasons why (that wild animal can be a spider, a snake, a dolphin - just anything that ppl do not keep as a pet usually)
      3) Situation: you come home and your room is all white color: furniture, sofa, floors - everything is white. How would you feel in that room and would you like to change anything?
      4) Situation: You are in the woods, it is getting dark and you are lost. How would you feel in that situation and what would you do?
      5) Situation: You haven't eaten in 3 days. You are SO HUNGRY as never in your life. Your friend invites you to a buffet with all kinds of food from all over the World. Everything you can and can not imagine, foods that you know and foods that you do not know. What will you eat first and why that choice?

      1) cat: cuddly, intelligent, know what she wants
      2) tiger: respectable, 'manly', strong
      3) strange, not comfortable at all, I would add colours as soon as possible
      4) scared, I would not scream or shout for help, I would just walk really fastly to find my way out
      5) probably bread, you don't have to cut it or anything, just eat


        Oh, fun! Here are my answers.

        1) What is your favorite pet and 3 reasons why
        Cats are my favorite because they're fast, intelligent, and indifferent. (I like that they can choose whether they feel like being affectionate or not. Us owners have to work for it! ;D)
        2) What is your favorite wild animal and 3 reasons why (that wild animal can be a spider, a snake, a dolphin - just anything that ppl do not keep as a pet usually)
        I love large birds, like owls. They fascinate me. Again, I love their intelligence. Also, I admire their capacity for flight and the variety of colorful designs their feathers come in. They can also hide and come out at night.
        3) Situation: you come home and your room is all white color: furniture, sofa, floors - everything is white. How would you feel in that room and would you like to change anything?
        First, I'd feel uneasy, like I was going to make a mess. I would definitely feel uncomfortable to come into an environment like that. As soon as I recovered from the surprise, I'd want to change the colors, definitely - starting with the floors and furniture. The walls I'd paint a more vibrant color. White is so sterile. :P
        4) Situation: You are in the woods, it is getting dark and you are lost. How would you feel in that situation and what would you do? I'd most definitely start to panic. I'd most likely try to retrace my steps and find either familiarity or civilization until there was no more light, and then I would look for some shelter to stave the night in. Climb a tree or something. Then start anew in the morning. (Yeah... I know... it's what they say NOT to do when you're lost in nature.)
        5) Situation: You haven't eaten in 3 days. You are SO HUNGRY as never in your life. Your friend invites you to a buffet with all kinds of food from all over the World. Everything you can and can not imagine, foods that you know and foods that you do not know. What will you eat first and why that choice? Something salty and savory. It would definitely be a food that is a favorite staple of mine, like Chicken Pot Pie. Mmm. It would taste familiar (i.e. I know I would like it before I started - no taking chances here) and better than it ever had before because I'm so hungry. Now I want some...

        I'm curious to see what this says about me!
        My heart belongs to a pilot!


          SORRY ONE MORE this is pretty accurate i found, and my friend wants one tooo, do ya mind?
          1)cat, quiet lovable and don't trash house
          2)kangaroo, i'm big fan of hopping they can box and i like the name
          3)i would feel isolated and alone, but i would keep because i like feeling pain sometimes
          4)sporadic and stricken with fear, i would try to go in one direction
          5)foods i'm comfortable with but at the same time hardy because i'm gonna be hungry. chicken and frog legs.


            @ sam

            1) You need a partner who will be fun and loyal and will be cuddly coz you need physical touching.
            2) You see yourself as a cuddly person too and (it is obvious from both of your answers that you like to be physically close. How do you do LDR? LOL It was just my own curiosity). I do not know if you are lazy or not but you probably like to enjoy your time and just chill.

            3) You would change your childhood if you could. You did not say that you would feel frustrater or anything, but you did say "WTF happened?" which means there were things you are not comfortable with (or were not comfortable with)

            4) You are not afraid of difficult situations even a bit coz you seem to always know your way out of it (not only you said you would stay calm, but you said you would keep walking in a straight line which means you may have some kind of a developed strategy of how you deal with those situations). YOu also try to think positive (the moon will brighten things up)

            5) When it comes to dating you really are not scared to date anyone. YOu would go out with nearly every guy you meet (and who asks you out) coz...why not? LOL (I am trying to joke in here) But yes you are not very picky when it comes to dates (but do not think that it means you are not picky when it comes to choosing a partner - look at your answer above


              @ kika

              1) You need a partner who knows what he/she wants and who is independent. Yet, you like to be physically close with your partner and you are looking for someone who will be touchy to satisfy that need of yours.

              2) YOu see yourself as a person who is strong, respectable, and "manly" and if not a king then at least a prince (princess)
              3) There was smth about your childhood that you do not feel comfortable about and if you could go back and change it, you would.

              4) YOu do not like difficult situations and you are scared to find yourself in one and when it happens, you just try to run away from it as fast as you can.

              5) When it comes to dates, you know EXACTLY what you need. And you chose someone who will not require for you to ding into his personality or anything, who is plain and blunt and who will "fill you up"


                @ Trethsparr

                1) You need an intelligent partner who can act fast and who is kinda of a "hard-to-predict-free-spirit" You may be one of those people who needs some kind of a mystery in a partner and some kind of a tense excitement in a relationship.

                2) You see yourself as a wise, intelligent woman. You realize that you are beautiful and that you can go far in life (or have a capacity and wisdom for sure) and you like to be a little mysterious.

                3) YOu would change your childhood if you could because it is to you a little boring (you said "it is too sterile")

                4) In difficult situations you panic and you try to reverse a situation and avoid it by trying to get back to the beginning of it (may be use a strategy "lets just forget abt it, everything was good 5 minutes go, lets just go back there" - I am just giving an example). But if the situation is serious of is getting bad, you usually wait till it gets better, til you calm down a little bit and then you see what you can do.
                5) When it comes to men, you know what kind attracts you and you go for that type (salty and savory). ADn you also do not go for something you are not familiar with but rather date those who you can predict and who you know will be good dates (you said you would def go for your favorite food, which means food that is very familiar to you)


                  Ok, so here is my SO's answers:

                  1) What is your favorite pet and 3 reasons why: Dog, they are loyal, protective @ intelligent
                  2) What is your favorite wild animal and 3 reasons why (that wild animal can be a spider, a snake, a dolphin - just anything that ppl do not keep as a pet usually): Panda; fun, loveable & generally non-aggressive
                  3) Situation: you come home and your room is all white color: furniture, sofa, floors - everything is white. How would you feel in that room and would you like to change anything?
                  Would feel fine, maybe would change something if in the mood
                  4) Situation: You are in the woods, it is getting dark and you are lost. How would you feel in that situation and what would you do? Start out being nervous and then find an out of the way place to hole up for the night to get my bearings
                  5) Situation: You haven't eaten in 3 days. You are SO HUNGRY as never in your life. Your friend invites you to a buffet with all kinds of food from all over the World. Everything you can and can not imagine, foods that you know and foods that you do not know. What will you eat first and why that choice? Go get mexican food because it's really filling usually

                  And here are my answers

                  1) What is your favorite pet and 3 reasons why: Fish - They are low maintenance, quiet and can be really pretty and unique
                  2) What is your favorite wild animal and 3 reasons why (that wild animal can be a spider, a snake, a dolphin - just anything that ppl do not keep as a pet usually): White tiger - they are graceful, rare, and beautiful
                  3) Situation: you come home and your room is all white color: furniture, sofa, floors - everything is white. How would you feel in that room and would you like to change anything?: I would feel it was pretty plain and try to put some color in it, most likely add some blue or green paint at the very least
                  4) Situation: You are in the woods, it is getting dark and you are lost. How would you feel in that situation and what would you do?:
                  I would be freaked out and cry - then I would calm down and find a place to regroup
                  5) Situation: You haven't eaten in 3 days. You are SO HUNGRY as never in your life. Your friend invites you to a buffet with all kinds of food from all over the World. Everything you can and can not imagine, foods that you know and foods that you do not know. What will you eat first and why that choice?: Probably some yogurt first as I know my stomach would revolt if I ate much more to start with


                    @ Stephanieeee

                    1) Your friend needs a man (woman) who will be lovable and quiet, and also neat (and that doesnt necessarily mean a clean house, but someone who will be also careful in a relationship and try not to bring anything negative to it)
                    2) Your friend sees herself/himself as a kangaroo and just simply loves herself for who he/she is ("I just like the name") and is active (and that may not mean physical activity even thought that too, but just means being interested in many things in life and curiosity)
                    3) Even though your friend's childhood brings some painful memories and feelings of being alone (or not understood), she would not change it (and that kinda refers to the previous question - somehow she has learnt how to love herself the way she is that is why her childhood doesn't bother her)
                    4) Your friend is afraid of difficult situations and they literally terrify her and she just tries to run away (or just get out of it)

                    P.S. People who have similar answers! That can be bad and good because instead of dealing with a situation ppl who answer like that or similar, see the only way out is running away and avoiding facing the problem. When it comes to the ones we love, that may be a minus coz we may hurt ppl we really do not mean to hurt. On the good side, if you are a good runner, you may really avoid the situation and not get in trouble (or get out of it)

                    5) When it comes to dates, your friend like many people choses men who she can somewhat predict and who she feels comfortable with. She looks for dates who will satisfy her immediate needs and who will give her that fulfillment she is looking for. SHe is not some kind of an adventurous type and she needs to feel comfortable with the person she dates.


                      @ blankita719

                      1) needs an intelligent woman, loyal and who will take care of him (he said "protective")
                      2) He sees himself as non-agressive person, kind and lovable.
                      3) HE is fine with his childhood and would not change it even if he could.
                      4) In difficult situations u want to make yourself safe and wait till a better moment to get out of the situation.
                      5) When it comes to dates, he has his specific taste and preferences. He is looking for a partner who he knows will give him just what he needs - a fulfillment.

                      1) You need a partner who will be a low maintenance, will be quiet, not require a lot of attention or care but yet will be beautiful and posses some unique features.
                      2) U see yourself as a graceful person, rare and beautiful.
                      P.S. Make sure you do not view others as "lower than you"
                      3) Though you generally like your childhood, there are some things that you would have changed if you could go back and do it.
                      4) in difficult situations you get emotional and do not know what to do. You usually have to wait to put yourself together to deal with the situation.
                      5) You are very careful when you pick your dates. You try to make sure that it is the right person and that you will not be disappointed later.


                        Originally posted by tissa View Post
                        @ kika

                        1) You need a partner who knows what he/she wants and who is independent. Yet, you like to be physically close with your partner and you are looking for someone who will be touchy to satisfy that need of yours.

                        2) YOu see yourself as a person who is strong, respectable, and "manly" and if not a king then at least a prince (princess)
                        3) There was smth about your childhood that you do not feel comfortable about and if you could go back and change it, you would.

                        4) YOu do not like difficult situations and you are scared to find yourself in one and when it happens, you just try to run away from it as fast as you can.

                        5) When it comes to dates, you know EXACTLY what you need. And you chose someone who will not require for you to ding into his personality or anything, who is plain and blunt and who will "fill you up"
                        Thanks! I agree with everything apart from 4) I do like difficult situations, I just watch way too much horror movies and expect to be killed when I am alone in the woods and 5) I agree with the first part, I am not sure about the meaning of the second sentence (I am not a native English speaker) and it looks like I want someone 'simple' Actually, I am very picky and ended up lots of relationships just becuase I knew that those guys couldn't make me happy enough - even though they were good to me but my boyfriend really 'fills me up' He is the best


                          Originally posted by tissa View Post
                          @ blankita719

                          2) U see yourself as a graceful person, rare and beautiful.
                          P.S. Make sure you do not view others as "lower than you"
                          Fairly accurate except for this part - I am most definitely not graceful, rare & beautiful But very interesting...His is pretty spot on


                            "plain" doesn't mean "simple" and "simple" doesn't mean "easy". Plain basically means that he is a full and complete person, you do not need to do anything with him. Kinda like when you said - you can just take it and eat it. He is a complete food already. Plain means he will be straightforward with you and will be just himself.
                            I do not know if it makes more sense (other members are welcome to explain as well)


                              @blankita719 I am pretty sure that you are graceful, rare & beautiful! If you do not see it in teh mirror, I am sure many people would say that that is how they FEEL you.

