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Compatibility test

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    Compatibility test

    So I decided to do the compatibility test suggested on the main part of the site with my boyfriend. Probably a bad idea. Our results were rather bad:
    you are 73% similar
    you are 62% complementary

    and it ended in awkwardness and him being afraid that I took it seriously or something.
    How did you and your partner do on the test? And do you happen to KNOW you and your SO are not conventionally "compatible" but somehow make sense in a weird way? (That's how me and my bf are)
    ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~

    Just did it and emailed it to my SO. Personally I'll treat the results like I do horoscopes, with a pinch of salt. If its good "Yay!" If its not "Well it doesnt mean anything anyway"

    At the end of the day an internet quiz of 30 or so questions has no way of determining how compatiable you and your SO are. Its basing it on overal a very loose criteria, your sociability, dominant/submissivness and how you react in situations. Whilst having levels of campatiability in these areas can be important, its how you and your SO interact, and deal with any differences (if necessary) that is important.

    Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

    Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

    And remember....Love really IS all around.


      79% similar
      64% complementary

      I would hazard a guess that most peoples may be around those percentages...
      Tea and hugs make the world go round - don't ever discount the little things in life.

      Smiling away to oneself brings an obscene amount of joy when only you know the reason why your smiling. Pick something secret to smile about and let it light up your face all day long!

      And remember....Love really IS all around.


        73% similar
        80% complementary



          76% similar
          75% complementary :-D


            I think I will try it with my SO right now :-)


              I've done thing before but my SO never did... so I just did it again and will make sure he will do it this time
              Join the Photography Group Today!


                We did this test a loong time ago..our results were so different we kind of had this awkward moment where we were both like: =/


                  We took it a while ago. I forget our exact results, but they weren't very good either. I think he took it a bit more seriously than I did, since I took the test first. I filled in my answers with how I truly felt and I knew that our results would be widely different, because I could look at a question and knew how I answered it and how he would. We're very different people, quite the opposite. But the way I figure, that old saying about how "opposites attract" can be true and just because we are different doesn't mean we can't find neutral ground. Yeah, maybe it's more work, but I'd be bored with him more if he was just like me.


                    Love your answer. Me and my boyfriend have a good amount of things in common, but our personalities are SO different, but I like it that way. Sure, we fight a lot but I think we're really great together.
                    ~"Happiness is not the absence of problems but the ability to deal with them"~


                      78% similar
                      67% complementary

                      is that bad?
                      Join the Photography Group Today!


                        Originally posted by LadyEcstsasy View Post
                        I think he took it a bit more seriously than I did, since I took the test first. I filled in my answers with how I truly felt and I knew that our results would be widely different, because I could look at a question and knew how I answered it and how he would.
                        ^ This, ha ha.

                        You are 63% similar.
                        You are 64% complementary.

                        2/3s isn't bad. I guess the last third should keep things interesting.
                        My heart belongs to a pilot!


                          right i click the link and it tells me its blocked because there a virus on it :/


                            I am going to check it out in a second and I just told my SO about it

                            Madly in love with Michael


                              Originally posted by Caitlin2009 View Post
                              right i click the link and it tells me its blocked because there a virus on it :/
                              I also just got that warning when I clicked on it, I am going to check out what my site adviser says about it!

                              Madly in love with Michael

