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211 Reasons I Love You

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    211 Reasons I Love You

    Saturday is me and Brandon's 7 month anniversary, and in a spur of the moment type thing I decided I'm going to write one thing I love about him or a really great memory on a card for every day we will have been together. That's 211 days!! Call me crazy, but I needed something to take my mind off things anyways

    Has anyone else ever done something like this?

    I haven't done anything that in depth like that, or that many things. But that's a really awesome idea. I might have to do something like that for our six month. Will definitely require a lot of thought and can help pass the time


      I did a 100 things I love about you for valentines day. It was hard trying to think of everything and to make sure none of them were the same.


        Yeah I did this for everyday we are long distance. I used to send him a text message every morning with one of the reasons. But his phone is dead for now, so we've stopped that and I just read him one a day on the phone.

        I think I wrote about 300--it was pretty easy once I started to include little's the little things I love the most anyways


          Got to 100 no problem... Another 211 to go


            I'm writing out reasons why u love him on a while stack of post it notes. idk how many that is but it seems like alot. I've gotten most of them done with no problem though(: it's easy to come up with reasons why I love him, and I just think of more and more throughout my day. <3


              I just started on doing a list of 365 reasons I love him for our 1 year! I know I'm starting really early, but it's a lot of things to write and I'd rather start way too early than way too late.

              "You know it's love when you want to keep holding hands even after you're sweaty."
              -- Anonymous


                141... It's getting harder now. Should have done this all in one day XD I forget most of the things I put yesterday and I keep repeating them. It's fun though, brings up alot of good memories.


                  I think I may steal this idea! My SO and I are coming up on 7 months on the 18th. I don't want to have to count all those days, but I think he'd really like it. Dang, now I have another project I gotta start. Lol.


                    well ive wanted to do a list like urs, not that long though, but for time issues haven't started it, im gonna star writing it all but i want to make it something more crazy, like find the way to contact his roommate, send all the why i love u written in notes and ask him to stick them all over his room space for our one year anniversary, that's wat im planning so i still have much time to do it but i gotta move fast anyways!


                      Originally posted by LostInLove View Post
                      I just started on doing a list of 365 reasons I love him for our 1 year! I know I'm starting really early, but it's a lot of things to write and I'd rather start way too early than way too late.
                      I am doing the same thing for our one year! I have two hundred something already and today is our six month!!! Its not so hard if you spread it out I'm going to get a cute little jar from a craft store and decorate it :-) This is a cute idea too though!


                        I did 100 reasons for a (scrap)book I made for him for Valentine's day.
                        Once I got into it, it was really quite easy and I could have come up with a lot more reasons.

                        It helped me imagining what we normally do together. So I would remember all the little things he does and that make him 'him'...

                        Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                          Hmmm....maybe I'll do this for our 1 year, along with the Love Knows No Distance bracelets.

                          "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                          Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                            Awww, that is so cute!!!!! I wish I thought of that idea sooner. We're a little over 2 years so I'd have to write a lot of reasons! haha.


                              I'm sure it was said before around the time I made it, but I thought I would say again since it's sort of in the same realm of idea? Not this Valentine's Day, but last year's when we were LD, we sent each other boxes, and since we didn't have a lot of money, I made her a gift. It was a little calendar (Which was supposed to be a full year's worth, until next valentine's day, but I thought of the idea a little late, and it took some time to put it all together, since I wanted it all to be hand written...), which was just little facts about me that she didn't know, little stories, etc., so that every day she could flip it over to the current day, and it could also work as a conversation topic as well. All I was cut a lot of rectangles out of paper, fold some cardboard into a three sided base, hole punch two holes in the paper, and use paper clips as rings to hold it all together. And I'm not very craftsy, so I'm sure you could find your own spin of putting it together. So anyways, just an idea, turn it into a physical calendar? Snail mail is always fun!

