No, not that kind of "sleeping together" though I wouldn't give that one up for anything lol The kind of sleeping together I'm talking about is something that my boyfriend and I have kind of fallen into, realized it was darn cool and try to do ever so often. More and more this has been Friday and Saturday nights when neither of us have to be up early the next morning.
There is something quite special and intimate about listening to someone you love sleep.. the funny little noises they make (my guy snores even tho he won't admit it hehe) We use Skype, a good set of headphones that are comfortable and not too bulky and a good internet connection and then lay down and talk until we doze or fall asleep. Waking up in the morning is drowsy time and this morning for example I just laid still and listened to him. He has done the same for me when I was really tired... that day I slept until nearly 1 pm and everytime I would kind of wake up, he was there with a whisper until I went back to sleep.
In the grand scheme of things this seems kind of cheesy but it has been really awesome for us and something we enjoy alot. We have found that the memory foam pillows are awesome for headphones as well
Just thought I'd share something we do to feel close and connected when there is no way we can be there physicaly in person.
There is something quite special and intimate about listening to someone you love sleep.. the funny little noises they make (my guy snores even tho he won't admit it hehe) We use Skype, a good set of headphones that are comfortable and not too bulky and a good internet connection and then lay down and talk until we doze or fall asleep. Waking up in the morning is drowsy time and this morning for example I just laid still and listened to him. He has done the same for me when I was really tired... that day I slept until nearly 1 pm and everytime I would kind of wake up, he was there with a whisper until I went back to sleep.
In the grand scheme of things this seems kind of cheesy but it has been really awesome for us and something we enjoy alot. We have found that the memory foam pillows are awesome for headphones as well