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Some movie help :)

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    Some movie help :)

    Hi there. I've been in an LDR for a year and 7 months now, and we have watched quite a bunch of movies as a result. Yes, we've seen Going the Distance so don't suggest it please Cute movie though. If you have any suggestions, just type 'em here. I'd really appreciate it. We're going to college in a week or so (both different colleges and it will still be long distance), and I think it'd be nice to have a few movie ideas that we can just have some quality relaxing time together even if we can't physically be together. She loves girly movies (as many girls do), and she doesn't love too manly movies. No blood and gore, I mean. Anything more on the moderate end is good though. I don't mind watching any type of movie really as long as it's with her, so there's free reign on suggestions pretty much. Thanks for all the help everyone. I'm just running out of movie ideas, and I'm sure there are great ones out there as I'm not a movie person by any means. P.S. We've watched nearly every Disney movie, so those are a no go :P
    Stay strong ~
    - Clarinethero214

    My SO and I had a movie night every weekend, so I can honestly name you tons of movies. But, I'll stick more so with mine and his favorites, though he is much like you when it comes to watching more what I wanted. Haha. :]

    The Day After Tomorrow
    Five People You Meet in Heaven
    The Bucket List
    The Notebook
    P.S. I Love You
    Remember the Titans
    All the Harry Potter Movies
    N.Y.C Tornado Terror
    Marley and Me (mind you this movie has a really sad, yet touching ending.)
    Pearl Harbor (Though it's not terribly gory, there are still scenes. But, deep down it's an amazing romance. <3)
    A Walk to Remember
    All the "Fast and the Furious" movies (My SO is obsessed with these. And, they're something more guy like.)
    Charlie St. Cloud
    Because I Said So
    Flirting with Forty
    All the "Final Destination" <--- Though those are gory. But, if you ever wanted to switch up for a horror movie night they could work. Or even if you're in to those type.

    If I think of anymore off the top of my head I'll come back. Or if you want just send me a message and I'll send you a better list there when I have more time to think of some. :]


      Movies that my boyfriend and I have watched together:
      The Hangover
      The Men Who Stare at Goats
      Donnie Darko
      The Big Lebowski
      The Other Guys
      Due Date
      Up in the Air (one of our mutual favorites- really excellent movie)
      Harry Potter
      Exit Through the Gift Shop (if you guys like documentaries)
      Garden State
      Be Kind Rewind

      If you want to go for something else, you might try starting a TV show together. That'll provide lots of fodder for "movie" nights. My boyfriend and I mainly watch TV together, so yeah.
      Mad Men
      Doctor Who
      Breaking Bad (We don't actually watch this yet, but have been meaning to... I hear nothing but good things about it)
      We also watch True Blood and Dexter but those both are pretty gory.


        The movies that I like (Girly Movies)
        - Beastly
        - Crazy Little Things About Love (Thailand Movie) -Your girl will surely love this
        - 3 Idiots (Bollywood movie) It's inspiring movie that both of you will love
        - Just Like Heaven
        - Leap Year
        - August Rush
        - Pursuit of Happiness
        - Remember Me
        - Yes Man
        - 500 days of Summer
        - 50 first dates
        - Twilight Saga
        - 10 things I hate about you
        -A walk to remember
        - Moulin Rouge
        -Happy Feet
        - Legally Blonde series
        - Blood Diamond
        - A Beautiful Mind
        -Forrest Gump
        - Never Been Kissed
        -The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
        Many to mention and some are asian movies.
        "Love wins everything especially fear."


          Thanks so much for these suggestions everyone This is really great. I'm sure this will give us so many things to watch together.


            The one that comes the most to mind for me is Love Actually. If you haven't already seen it, I suggest you do xD


              iamangel- i LOVE 3 Idiots. My school showed it during a 'Bollywood movie night' and it was hilarious.
              I also want to second 500 Days of Summer, 10 Things I Hate About You, 50 First Dates and The Pursuit of Happyness.
              Also want to add I Love You Man.


                @Jennten, that's nice I started to like bollywood movies after watching 3 idiots.
                I need to see "I love you Man" .. Thanks
                "Love wins everything especially fear."

