Hey guys
I'm Daniel and in 22 (turned 22 on 19th february) and my girlfriend is 17 (18 end of April, she did lie to me at start of our relationship about age but anyways!)
I've visited her 10 times, soon to be 11 as of 13th March.
We will both be flying back to the UK together on 27th March.
She is coming to visit a university but also just to see me. Should I be worried about the age gap? Age of consent in UK is 16 so our relationship is totally legal.
Do many U.S. citizens get denied entry?
She has a job, is in last year of high school and over $3000 in her account. She will stay with me for just under two weeks and has a return flight booked.
Is she likely to get denied entry? Or are LDR common nowadays and the border guards see this often.
I'm Daniel and in 22 (turned 22 on 19th february) and my girlfriend is 17 (18 end of April, she did lie to me at start of our relationship about age but anyways!)
I've visited her 10 times, soon to be 11 as of 13th March.
We will both be flying back to the UK together on 27th March.
She is coming to visit a university but also just to see me. Should I be worried about the age gap? Age of consent in UK is 16 so our relationship is totally legal.
Do many U.S. citizens get denied entry?
She has a job, is in last year of high school and over $3000 in her account. She will stay with me for just under two weeks and has a return flight booked.
Is she likely to get denied entry? Or are LDR common nowadays and the border guards see this often.