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planes :/

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    planes :/

    Hey guys. So to visit my SO in phoenix, AZ I was planning on driving because even though it takes forever I like to drive and see the sights along the way. However, the boy doesn't like the idea of me driving alone and says flying is cheaper anyway. A straight trip from Detroit to Phoenix is 3.45 hours by plane.
    One problem...I am terrifies of flying. I have never been on a plane and my parents always watch those dumb plane crash things on tv. I guess I would go if I had to..maybe if I had someone with me? But I just don't really know what its like so im super nervous. Any advice? ??

    How do you know you are scared of flying if you have never done it? I think you are afraid of the unknown. Try flying there and if its absolutely horrible then go back via bus or something. It's really not that bad, there are movies to keep you busy and chances are you could always talk to the person beside you on the plane.


      Good idea. Yeah I guess im more scared of the idea of flying. All the things that could go wrong. Which is funny because I love driving and there's hundreds of car accidents a day but very few plane crashes. Idk haha


        You don't mention your age in order to gauge if you might have an extra few bucks, but if you do, you could grab a fast flight to a nearby city. If that's possible, you'd get that first flight over with very quickly, and you can also do a little sightseeing, then jump on the fast flight back. Flying itself is easy, its the airport hassle that'll drive ya nuts! Most people are afraid the first time, but once you know what to expect, its no big deal. Good luck!
        Our separation of each other is an optical illusion of consciousness. ~Albert Einstein


          Yeah flying really isn't that bad! I actually am an aircraft mechanic, so if you have any questions about the planes itself, feel free to pick my brain and i'll do my best to put you at ease but trust me, you are totally safe up there! Good luck on your visit! Hope you have a fun time!


            Lol idk why but the episode of friends came to mind. Where there trying to stall Rachel on the plane and Pheobe says she had a bad vibe about the filangee and when one of the passengers asks what that was about she says nothing, that one of her friends had a vibe about the planes filangee. And the guy panics. And when the flight attendant comes and asks them to have a seat the passenger tells them how pheobe had a bad vibe. And the attendant says we don't have a fliangee. And the guy panics more, and some other passenger asks whats wrong? And he's all this plane doesn't have a filangee!! lol idk sorry that makes me laugh, love friends
            Ive rode a plane a few times, and it really isn't scary at all, only discomfort is when u go into the air my ears popped a little, the same as when driving through the mountains. Like you said, cars have more crashes. Flights are smooth and over before you know it. No need to fear. I think once you get there and in the air you will feel better and at ease. I love riding in the plane tho, so much more than in a car.
            I love you Nathan <3
            5/25/09 <3


              Haha I love that show too. Yeah thats what all my friends have said too. @yellowdart: thank you. Its always more comfortable to hear it from someone who knows the arcitecture.


                I love flying. I love the feeling of taking off and landing. If the plane has an entertainment system, I'm as comfortable there as I would be at home on the couch. But when I was flying from Tokyo to Portland (9 hours) with no entertainment system I started to get restless and a bit claustrophobic, which has never happened to me before. /: My advice is sleep in the plane if you're able to, it makes the flights go by quicker.


                  I think that you should definitely try flying, and then if it doesn't work out then you can claim you're terrified of flying, lol. From Detroit to Phoenix, is a long drive, especially I feel like by yourself. My SO hates when I drive by myself from college (Reno) to home (Vegas), which is an 8hr. drive, which I do hate. I do believe Southwest is having good deals with tickets right now, I got an email a couple of days ago about it. But, back on to topic, I usually fall asleep on the plane, so once I fall asleep, I wake up when we're about to land. I feel like it's way safer than driving a car anyways, there's too many other things I feel that are worse when driving, speeding tickets or traffic for example. I say take the plunge, and try it out, I hope I helped! [:
                  BEST FRIENDS SINCE: 10/03/2012
                  FIRST MEET: 02/10/2016 to 02/15/2016
                  SECOND VISIT: 03/30/2016


                    I was quite like you a few months ago! I was afraid of flying even though I'd never done it. Nothing to be afraid of, though! Flying is actually not scary at all. Just relax and everything will be okay. The takeoff and landing are the most fun parts, in my opinion. The rest is actually really boring. :P Flying is safer than driving, too. My advice is try it out! If you don't like it, you don't have to ever do it again and at least you can say you did it!


                      I also have a fear of flying. Especially since two out of my three flights are so long (13 hours and another 9 hours). My SO was able to calm be down a bit though by telling me just how many planes take off every single day and nothing ever happens. I still get really nervous when I'm on the plane and they tell you to go back to your seat because of turbulence, but I just try to distract myself with other things! Here's a website I just found:


                        Statistically, flying is safer than driving!! I love doing both, but flying moreso because I've almost always been going somewhere exciting on my plane rides
                        I used to have anxiety about flying, seveeere anxiety. My doctor prescribed me clonazepam in a very low dose to take before a long flight. I can fly without that now, so currently my only problem is my motion-sickness!!

                        I just added up the number of flights I've been on... It's been over 3 dozen, and I've never had so much as a missed connection! Some bad turbulence, but turbulence is nothing to be scared about. I just find it uncomfortable really!

                        Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                        Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                        Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                          Thanks all. Yeah the tix are def cheaper. Im thinking of doing it. Although im nervous to go by myself. But hey if your going to face a fear, might as well face it alone and head on right?


                            Time for a dissenting opinion!

                            I say drive it if you want to! It will be all interstate all the way, and you will be going through some interesting country, you just have to change your idea of interesting! You would definitely get a LOT of respect for the folks who settled out west. Imagine doing all of that trip in a wagon train!

                            I drive back and forth from Ohio to KS, and from KS to AZ all the time, and yes, by myself. If you have a reliable car, go for it! Make some time to stop at some things along the way--research your trip just a bit. If you don't have AAA, you might want to invest in that. The trip won't be any cheaper than flying by the time you are through with hotels, food and gas, but you will for sure have the trip of a lifetime.

                            Another option, again that is not cheaper, but fun, is Amtrak. I used to take them from KS to AZ and KS to VA. Before I leave OH, I am definitely going to take Amtrak from OH to KS to visit the hb. If you've got the time, you might look into that for a future trip. The only trick with Amtrak for your guy in Phoenix is that the train station is about 30-40 mi. south of Phoenix, but that's part of the experience.

                            Alright, now I'll be quiet and let the voices of reason return!
                            17 years LDR out of 18 years of marriage. Oh, yeah, plus a year of LDR courtship.


                              The first time I went to see my SO me and my best friend drove there. It was so much fun! The drive was an absolute beating, but something I would never change. Now every time I go see him I fly, it's much faster!

