For a study abroad scholarship I am going for I have to talk about a current social, political or environmental issue that is relevant to the place I am studying. I will be studying in England and I realized a lot of people on this site are from England. Sooo I was wondering what all of you thought the biggest issue would be, because I really am not quite sure of what to write about.
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Huge political issue at the minute is the coalition government & all the cuts they're doing. They're trying to save money to pay off the defeciet (not spelt right I don't think) that the last government (Labour) created by cutting costs. As a result, jobs are being lost, companies suffering etc etc. If you want to look at a particular case, look up on the internet 'BAE Brough'. As a result of the defence cuts, there are nearly 1000 jobs being lost in this company. (try for some news stories on this). I'm not really up to speed on politics & such, but from what I pick up off the internet, this is the most basic outline I can give you from someone who is almost totally clueless. Good websites are, & online newspapers The Guardian & The Times. You could find lots of articles on there, there's always something they've done that's in the papers.
A social issue is the riots in London & several big cities across the county at the beginning of August. Again, try some of the above websites for more information. might have an article on the riots.