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I cannot believe it happened, I finally met my SO =)

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    like everyone else I am near tears after that story. Thank you so much for sharing.

    Bradleyshred I want to hear about your story next! :-p


      I need to find things to do here to wow her>.<


        Beautiful story, I almost cry. Hope you guys are toguether for a very long time!


          Ahhh.. This made me cry. I have yet to meet the love of my life. Been waiting over a year and I half. I can only hope it's as wonderful as your first meeting was.

          I hope you get to see him again soon =]


            Originally posted by SeeRat View Post
            Such a wonderful story.. Just one thing missing.. A photo of you two together :P
            I'll post some on my profile in a little bit if you'd still like to see them. =)
            Met August 2012
            Official Nov. 18 2012
            Visited him in Italy August 8 2013
            He's visiting April 7-28 2014
            I visited: Aug. 26-Sept. 25 2014


              Originally posted by bradleyshred View Post
              I need to find things to do here to wow her>.<
              Oh my gosh, I am having the same problem too!!!
              Luckily I live near chicago so I'm planning on taking him to see the sear's tower, and some museums. OH, and since he's never been to a concert and since singers go perform hours away from his city, I bought us tickets to go see Imagine Dragons for a birthday present. Also, he loves basketball, so i'm getting some Bulls tickets as well. I really hope he likes it.
              But other than that, I'm going to take it slow while he's here, because when i was in italy, we did something EVERY SINGLE DAY. So it would be nice to do normal things couples do like the movies and going out to eat.
              Met August 2012
              Official Nov. 18 2012
              Visited him in Italy August 8 2013
              He's visiting April 7-28 2014
              I visited: Aug. 26-Sept. 25 2014



                I am so happy and grateful that all of you are enjoying this story, there was just so much to tell, I apologize for making this so long.
                It was absolutely wonderful.
                I hope everyone else's first meetings go just as great, if not, hopefully better. =)

                And yes Bradleyshred!! i want to hear yours too!!
                Met August 2012
                Official Nov. 18 2012
                Visited him in Italy August 8 2013
                He's visiting April 7-28 2014
                I visited: Aug. 26-Sept. 25 2014

