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Romantic gesture for visit!

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    Romantic gesture for visit!

    Hey all! This is my very first post, and it's gonna be a heavy one! You've been warned haha.

    Okay, so i'm seeing the love of my life, my gorgeous girlfriend in Florida in about a months time, i'm gonna meet her mum for the first time ever! (For which im psyched beyond belief for) and I want to bring my romantic A-Game. Now i'm pretty good at this kind of thing, but it sure would be interesting to see what you guys/girls have come up with, I mean totally off the wall stuff.

    This visit i'm planning on the following - we wear promise rings that we brought for each other, I want to steal it off her at some point during the trip, take her on a walk down the beach, for a lovely meal at an Italian Restaurant (her fave), and when we get back her room will hopefully be set up with candles, and a single rose, which will have our two rings tied to it, with a peice of paper that will hold a poem that i've written, that I will recite to her, and then give the reasons why I love her and kind of 'renew vows' on our rings.

    So this is the poem i've written so far, its very rough and coughed it up in like 5 minutes just now, honest views please !

    The soft edges of clouds pass me Glancing light across heavens filter A single hand raised to greet a canvas of the universe The other firmly in yours, greeting the maker of my own Life is in perpetual motion, a leaf floating listlessly across an eternal current A path that is both beautiful and forebodingly vast But on this leaf, we sit together, hands clasped Mine in yours, yours in mine, strength in bonds stronger than diamond Suddenly that journey doesn’t seem so long. So vast. So lonely. It takes a form that is softer, filled with the presence of something enchanting.

    My Journey. Your Journey. Terms that no longer exist. We run our fingers through the water, together, its become our journey.

    If we are slaves to destiny, and grains of sand on a beach, millions of glass beads strewn across a plain. Fortunate am I to have found you. Fortunate am I to be mastered by something gracious.

    The moons visage, a glow only matched by the illuminating smile you share, as we hold each other close, the skies open up to reveal an endless sea of pearls For you, I reach up and pluck one out of this orchid of dreams, holding it in my palms, my dreams, my hopes, my future all become its centre.

    Taking your hand in mine I whisper words that only philosophers and lovers could understand.

    A carrier of a message, meant only for you, I press it softly to your chest, my legacy passed on under the flicker of time.

    As we float down this river, that allows only soul mates to cross, I take to land with your hand in mine. A smile, hopeful eyes, the sunrise never looked so beautiful.

    So yeah, poem opinions, way to improve it and your crazy romantic gestures that you've done or that I myself could improve please!

    I'm no poet, but as long as it's from the heart, I think it's lovely.

    When we love, it isn't because the person's perfect, it's because we learn to see an imperfect person perfectly.

    True love does not worry about the distance between, for the heart and soul travels through one's words

    When two people are meant for each other, no time is too long, no distance is too far, and no one can ever tear them apart.

    1 universe, 9 planets, 7 continents, 194 countries, 50 states and 10 provinces...and I had the privilege to meet you.


      I am a romantic at heart. Your ideas sound wonderful to me, and I would never forget such a loving effort. Poetry is my thing. I love reading and analyzing others' poems, and I've written a few of my own. The mood has to strike me just right, though. Your poem is great. The figurative language and sensory images make it special. I'm sure she will see lots of symbols unique to your relationship. Can't imagine why this wouldn't make her happy. Good luck with the trip and meeting the mum! The fact that you care and are making lots of effort will mean the most to her.


        Hie, so sweet to write a poem. I would Drop the clasp and perpetual.
        I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
        - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

        "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


          All I can say is good luck getting the ring from her without her being suspicious.

          2016 Goal: Buy a house.
          Progress: Complete!

          2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
          Progress: Working on it.


            I prefer the good ol roses are red kinda poems myself but I'm sure she'll enjoy it


              Awesome feedback guys, thank you so much! Yeah, stealing the ring is going to be some mission impossible style operation, maybe I should apply some local anesthetic and lop it off during the night hmm... haha, luckily for her (and her cute finger) she takes it off before going to sleep incase he finger swells or she hits it, so that shouldn't be too hard, the hard bit will be trying to keep her so occupied that she forgets to wear it! Maybe I should just plain convince her that its lost?

              The poem is nearly done, infact ive done 3 more to pick the best from them, ill post my final choice eventually, cheers for the feedback on that also

              I had a thought, my girl and I ran across each other for the first time under crazy circumstances, the night before we had both been looking up at the stars (we both have this habit since we were kids) and we BOTH caught a glimpse of a shooting star, I know, its hard to believe but its true! I know what I saw and her friends vouch for what she did! So as I always tell her that no matter how lonely we get, or how much we miss each other, look to the heavens and i'll be looking the same way, so in that moment, we're not that far apart. I might name a star after us, so when she looks to the sky, she will really see a reminder


                Very sweet of you!

                Uhmmm....if I were your gf I would actually think you were going to propose. lol


                  I think it's a very sweet poem. So thoughtful!

                  "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

                  Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


                    Originally posted by Laural007 View Post
                    Very sweet of you!

                    Uhmmm....if I were your gf I would actually think you were going to propose. lol
                    You know that is an idea. You might ought to think about it, Roro. I probably would be looking for a proposal after all that sweet attention.


                      Oh crap! That's a brilliant point...hmmm i'll need to re-think it. I mean I definitely want to pop the question to her in 2014...but not like this. The secondary point of me going there actually is to ask her mums permission to take care of her daughter for her and marry her in the future, and to show that im a worthy person to do so

                      I've just done something off the cuff too...I booked a flight 1 day before the day I said I was gonna arrive right now! Haha!! She's gonna freak out when she sees me arrive to pick her up!

