Good evening all!
I thought ild post what happened on my first meeting of my Dutch boyfriend Casper back in June 2014. We had met via Facebook when I posted on a mutual friends post and have not stopped talking since. We swapped numbers etc and skyped then I found I could come visit him. Anyway I was wracked with nerves and felt sick, excited, scared, worried and self conscious. All types of things going through my head but once we were alone in that hotel room, it took a matter of hours to be at ease. Hes my best friend, my lover, my soul mate and all everything. I have had my few boyfriends and all there was issues or stuff missing.
I have a 7 year old daughter and her dad was abusive. My ex was sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly but he had alot of issues including depression. Its only now I see how much I put up with and my mental and emotional health suffered when he was constantly telling me he didn't know if he loved me or not! Anyway in the midst of my depressed state of me thinking I was such a crap girlfriend and wondering if Ill ever meet my match.......he appeared. Straight forward, honest, so funny, calm and relaxed. We think alike, act alike and he is just AMAZING.
I flew to Amsterdam not far from where he lives and we had a hotel for the weekend. We saw Amsterdam central and shopped. We made sandwiches in the hotel room and laid for ages just talking and of course the physical side. It was amazing and I have never felt that happy before in my life with anyone. Our last day before my flight was us sharing a bath. As we washed each-other I suddenly realized I was in love with him. I was happy yet scared. After us both trying to not fall for each other it was too late! We have now been together 7 months ish and I've flown to his and met his family about 4 times now and he has flown to mine twice and met my family. I am glad to report both sides love the other half
So there you have it, I think I went on too much!
I thought ild post what happened on my first meeting of my Dutch boyfriend Casper back in June 2014. We had met via Facebook when I posted on a mutual friends post and have not stopped talking since. We swapped numbers etc and skyped then I found I could come visit him. Anyway I was wracked with nerves and felt sick, excited, scared, worried and self conscious. All types of things going through my head but once we were alone in that hotel room, it took a matter of hours to be at ease. Hes my best friend, my lover, my soul mate and all everything. I have had my few boyfriends and all there was issues or stuff missing.
I have a 7 year old daughter and her dad was abusive. My ex was sweet and wouldn't hurt a fly but he had alot of issues including depression. Its only now I see how much I put up with and my mental and emotional health suffered when he was constantly telling me he didn't know if he loved me or not! Anyway in the midst of my depressed state of me thinking I was such a crap girlfriend and wondering if Ill ever meet my match.......he appeared. Straight forward, honest, so funny, calm and relaxed. We think alike, act alike and he is just AMAZING.
I flew to Amsterdam not far from where he lives and we had a hotel for the weekend. We saw Amsterdam central and shopped. We made sandwiches in the hotel room and laid for ages just talking and of course the physical side. It was amazing and I have never felt that happy before in my life with anyone. Our last day before my flight was us sharing a bath. As we washed each-other I suddenly realized I was in love with him. I was happy yet scared. After us both trying to not fall for each other it was too late! We have now been together 7 months ish and I've flown to his and met his family about 4 times now and he has flown to mine twice and met my family. I am glad to report both sides love the other half

So there you have it, I think I went on too much!