Haha yeah I can see already I'm gonna be blushing so much....might have to compose myself in a bathroom too lol.
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I feel like an awful person.
Hi. You aren't an awful person. I was raped when I was younger, and it definitely effects how you interact, think, and plan. It doesn't mean anything is wrong with you. Usually, for people with PTSD, things like this occur, and your partner just has to be ready to talk to you and be there and support you through whatever you're going through. For suggestions, just try Skyping as much as possible. My SO and I usually Skype once a day and that has helped tremendously with the fears and worries because after a while, it feels as if it is real and they are there. You tend to get lost in each other and the conversation and you don't think about it. Lasly, I am ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS here for you, if you need to inbox me, go ahead sweetie. I will give you other ways to contact me through the messaging if you'd like. Support in these situations are crucial.
Aww sounds like you've had soo much going through your mind, but you shouldn't doubt for a second that any of those thoughts are unnatural. If anything, it would be strange if you weren't nervous, if anything, look at it as confirmation of how strong your feelings are for each other, that you can have those thoughts, yet still want to meet him. If you didn't care you would simply walk away. I promise you, once you meet him, you'll wonder what there ever was to be scared of x
You have no reason to feel like an awful person, babe. PTSD is a challenging thing to live with and you are one strong lady. Your SO will be nothing but supportive, if you chose to tell him. Please don't cry. If needs be you can bring a friend along to your first time meeting and meet him in a cafe or somewhere very public and just sit and talk with him until you are comfortable