Well, we have had solid, promising plans for about a year for our first time seeing each other. I have waited a whole year with school making it painfully slow, and now its all falling through and we are heartbroken... there is still hope but its starting to crash and burn. We have been together for 2 years straight now and have been wanting to and sadly unable to visit each other for about that time now. We are teenagers still in school in an LDR, and have to wait for breaks from school to make plans to see each other, but I'm living in poverty with my family and I'm totally unable to get the money to see him, until I get a job that is but I have to repeat half of senior year (with ADD and no medication) so I need to focus on my grades first, then a job. Also I have no passport or anything ready. I'm suffering from all kinds of bad circumstances, so he is the one trying to visit me. Our plans were for him to get his passport (done), visa, and plane ticket to fly here into Chicago to stay with me a little more than a month. Well now he just found out that the visa is 700 reais (Brazilian money, my bf is from Brazil) which is really expensive for him and his parents combined with the plane ticket. So that would be about $233 dollars in US money because the dollar is trippled in value there in Brazil (Idk how ALL of that works though haha). I'm just so heartbroken... I need to see him so bad this summer before I have to go back to school for a repeat of half the year before we can think of making plans again, I will have to wait even more months upon months... Now, I'm not one to stoop so low as to ask for money, but I started a little bit of a fundraiser on the website GoFundMe so I could try to get at least a little bit of money to transfer to him and his parents bank account... I know, its desperate, and it must seem pathetic, but I'm frantic and desperate for SOMETHING to work... I just really want to see him for the first time in person and not through a screen on Skype...
Even a dollar or two from people would be something. I'm not able to post the link because the site won't let me, but I feel so bad for putting this up here but its worth a shot, he's worth everything to me and I'm willing to do what I can just to see him... sorry for the long description though.
If anything, just some emotional support would be of value to me.
If anything, just some emotional support would be of value to me.