Hello everyone, So here's a brief back story to my relationship..We met online about 3 months ago through a social media app, I was married at the time in an open relationship with my husband. I met we'll call him UK guy he started talking to me, he was really funny and I enjoyed corresponding with him. we did that for about a month and then he said when are we going to have a proper video chat? So we did, and it was amazing, we video chatted for 3-4hours almost every day.We ended up having cam sex once and then it just bloomed from there, almost every time we spoke we would do it, Im so attracted to him physically and he feels the same way towards me. My husband was starting to get a little worried as to how much time I was spending with this person. We started to fight almost every day and one day I just woke up and was like.. I'm not attracted to you anymore I think we should get separated. So that's where we are at now, I actually applied to school in the UK because i found out I can do a program in much shorter time there that Ive always wanted to do. So I booked flights and I am going to meet him in 2 weeks, we have no been exclusive with each other but says things like "you're the only person I want to kiss and I only have eyes for you" It just feels like ever since I got separated things have started to fall through the crack with us, we are both too busy to find time to video chat much any more and since booking my flights he says he's really nervous, tells me he is scared and has gone all quite, we barely talk and he tells me I'm being insecure if I question things, nothing has changed about the way he feels he says..It just feels so different now though.
Any advice would be great as I'm sort of disappointed and freaking out a little that I spent money and took time off work for this wonderful person I connected with so instantly that doesn't seem like hes that into me anymore
Also he has a criminal record for something silly and can't travel to see me..so I'm always going to be the one to put in the effort and travel is seems.
Any advice would be great as I'm sort of disappointed and freaking out a little that I spent money and took time off work for this wonderful person I connected with so instantly that doesn't seem like hes that into me anymore

Also he has a criminal record for something silly and can't travel to see me..so I'm always going to be the one to put in the effort and travel is seems.