I hate doing things by myself. I wrote before how I rely too much on my SO. Today I'm doing it again.

This night I was supposed to go to swim practice for the first time. My SO was going to go with me because he's a doll and loves me and supports me too much. But now he remembered he needs to go to school today. So I could potentially take him to his mom's house so he could use his sister's car to go to school while I use our car to go to practice. Instead, I'm saying it's better to wait. I don't want to go by myself!

It's not just the language barrier (because let's admit it, there's not much of a language barrier anymore), this is how I've always been. I like to do things with a friend. When I traveled by myself I was never really by myself. I always met someone to hang out with. I don't mind doing new things and going new places. I love it. I just want to do it with someone else.

I'm such a freaking wuss. Maybe I can get over my wussiness and actually take my ass to swimming today. I just wish someone was going with me.

Then again, it wouldn't be the end of the world to just wait until Monday, right?