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  • Miss You Issues: Insert Effort Here

    Miss You Issues: Insert Effort Here

    Dear Miss U, I met this guy in my home town back in April. I never expected for it to go this far. I live far away from him but we ended up kissing, I was only in my hometown for 2 weeks. However, I went back for 2 months in summer, I completely fell in love with him, much more happened than just kiss. Since I have got back though I feel like I am annoying him, I feel as if he doesn't want to talk to me. He mentions other girls but then says he is joking and likes to see me get jealous. Am I being ...
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  • Miss You Issues: Probably Not Cheating

    Miss You Issues: Probably Not Cheating

    Dear Miss U, It's been not long over a year and every day I fall for my significant other just a little more, I love them so much and they are soooo important to me. But it's been so long, we rarely get to video due to the 8 hour gap and although we message every night for as long as possible, the distance is really starting to hurt. All I want is my partner in my arms for the first time or even just their hand but with so many commitments to ensure a positive future, it's difficult to raise th...
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  • Miss You Issues: A Family Apart

    Miss You Issues: A Family Apart

    Dear Miss U, I had to move from where I have lived with my boyfriend of 8 1/2 years because the town did not have the doctors that I needed to see for my health problems. My boyfriend and the father of my 2 daughters decided to stay there. He says it's because he did not want to start over some where new. So we are doing the long distance thing and I really don't know how to handle this situation. It is making me feel like he doesn't care about us at all. What should I do? Karen...
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  • Miss You Issues: Raise Your Standards

    Miss You Issues: Raise Your Standards

    Dear Miss U, I met my boyfriend online we've been constantly messaging and our first actual meeting was when he came to visit me. We been together for about 10 months. I met his parents on skype, and his friends. We had same common interest. He stayed for about a month, until then when it finally started our long distance, we message, and do Skype calls. Here is the thing I am from the Philippines & he is from South Korea. Our love is strong. And we talked about our future together. My only con...
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  • Miss You Issues: Heavy Thoughts

    Miss You Issues: Heavy Thoughts

    Dear Miss U, I've been in a relationship with a girl I met online, she lives in Canada and I live in England. We've never met in person but we're really close, or at least we were. The distance has always been a huge issue that we've struggled to talk about and we've both been made very upset by the fact that we may not meet for a while. I've very recently had the courage to tell my parents about her and they were surprisingly okay with it, even suggesting she came down. Needless to say we w...
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  • Miss You Issues: Disclosure

    Miss You Issues: Disclosure

    Dear Miss U, My boyfriend and I are very much in love and we have started to talk about a future together. Things have gotten steadily more serious and seems to be progressing nicely. He has an older sister who lives a long distance away from him, she is his only close relative. He has often told me that she is the only person that he confides in and he tells her everything that is important in his life. Yet he is keeping our relationship a secret from her. I have been to visit him a...
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  • Miss You Issues: No Regrets

    Miss You Issues: No Regrets

    Dear Miss U, I have been in a LDR with my lovely girlfriend for almost 2 years now. We started as friends and grew feelings for each other over time, I knew from the start she was born mute and that never made me look at her differently. We have our Ups and downs dealing with distance of course. I've asked about sending packages\letters\flowers ect and her response was money being an issue (which of course I understand) and also her being in a housing program (section 8) would be difficult i...
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  • Miss You Issues: Unfaithfulness & U

    Miss You Issues: Unfaithfulness & U

    Dear Miss U, I am from India. Me and my other half have been dating for over five years, things were always good between us until we had to start a long distance relationship. When, recently, I checked one of his social networks, I found that he had been chatting with random stranger girls until 3 AM. He would ask them for their numbers, would ask them if they were single, call them names that were meant to be only for me(well that's what he said that he only used them for me, and it really...
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  • Miss You Issues: The Signs Say

    Miss You Issues: The Signs Say

    Dear Miss U, I have noticed recently that my boyfriend has really pulled away from me. We used to speak on the phone at least 2 or 3 times a week as well as continuous texting throughout the day. Over the last couple of months, I am lucky if I get more than 6 texts a day from him and well the phone calls, they don't exist anymore. I try really hard and ask him if we can catch up on the phone and he never responds. He says he loves me and misses me and drives him nuts being away fr...
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  • Miss You Issues: Quick Questions

    Miss You Issues: Quick Questions

    Dear Miss U, I am in relation with a guy 7 years elder than me. He is too reserved and not expressive. He doesn't call or text often and doesn't make any effort to speak to me or come and see me. I'm a girl who loves to be around him and spend most of my time with him. He doesn't know to console me when I'm in despair but he just tells that he is there for me but I haven't felt it till now. He is handsome and thin, I'm normal and fat. Everybody keeps telling that he is too much for me but I ha...
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  • Miss You Issues: Time To Give Up?

    Miss You Issues: Time To Give Up?

    Dear Miss U, Me and my loved boy met at the student exchange programme. We dated for 3 months and took the distance. After both of us came back to our countries, he visited me, and soon I am going to fly to him. Everything is great, really. He is the first guy I take as something serious. We don't doubt, we don't fight. But, to the point. Though we communicate every day, I am often trying to make him "do something together" even if we are away from each other. Like... play some game, or w...
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  • Miss You Issues: Guys Are Worried

    Miss You Issues: Guys Are Worried

    Dear Miss U, This relationship has been the best relationship we've ever had as well as the longest. I remember the first 8 or so months we were completely pulled in about making the distance work, we made promises to always stay together no matter what & that such. I live in North Carolina, she lives in Wisconsin. I went to see her for the first time back in April, it wasn't long but it was the happiest we've ever been in our entire lives. Then summer came. We both knew before summer even...
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  • Miss You Issues: No Known Intent

    Miss You Issues: No Known Intent

    Dear Miss U, I met my guy, M, through his sister-she goes to my Zumba classes and I've known her for a year...she thought we'd make a good match. When we first started talking he was literally all over me...I couldn't breathe without him knowing about it....he was sweet supportive and always there for me....we have the same goals and outlooks in life and our plans for the future are pretty much exactly the same... there were times our personalities and thoughts were so similar we'd shock o...
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  • Miss You Issues: There Is No Pause Button

    Miss You Issues: There Is No Pause Button

    Dear Miss U, I've been dating my boyfriend since we were seniors in high school. I care about him a lot, and he's been one of my kindest friends; he always knows what to say to me when I'm feeling low and when we see each other, we always have a great time together. But I've been having doubts for a while. It started after we graduated, and he got a new job. We were still living in the same city at the time, but he asked me not to call, text, or try to visit him for a while because he was ...
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  • Miss You Issues: The Morning Always Comes

    Miss You Issues: The Morning Always Comes

    Dear Miss U, My boyfriend and I got into a pretty big fight for only the second time in the 3 & 1/2 years we've been dating, and it was about him being negative. We were playing a game together and I got upset about him being so negative. Now, this has happened before, but not like this. He ended up getting so upset over hurting me, even though it wasn't bad, that he thought he was a bad person. Now he wants to change and not be so negative, but in order to do that, he's going to be talking ...
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