I read this post on my tumblr feed:
For those who don't understand social anxiety:
-It is not cute

-It is hell

-Want to order pizza? Too fucking bad

-Want to go to a party? Be prepared to want to leave after 5 seconds

-Need to ask a salesperson for a different size? Guess you’re not getting it

-Hungry but it’s crowded in the restaurant? No food for you

-Social anxiety SUCKS

-It keeps you from doing things you want to do

-It makes you feel like shit

-Stop romanticizing it

-Social anxiety is absolute HELL
And it made me think back to that moment where Stephen told me I should go buy myself whatever I wanted when we were in the mall's food court, while he goes and gets himself some Chinese food and upon seeing all the people, I froze, not knowing what to do. If he didn't notice and went with me to buy a sandwich and just went to buy himself something, I would have not gotten myself anything. I was absolutely overwhelmed and decided within seconds I would not be able to do this task. I told him, I was not hungry and I would just eat when we got home, which would have been hours from there and I had no breakfast, but I was just too scared to mess up my order and make the people laugh at me.

It makes me remember the countless days and hours I spent worrying about an encounter I would have, thinking I would mess it up to the point of giving myself an anxiety attack..

I know I probably don't have Social Anxiety, but it kind of reminds me of so many situations. Just noticed it and so I wanted to get it off my chest.