I'm not really sure what I want to share right now, but I know that I need to talk about this.

I traveled back home from a visit very late Sunday night. The weather was bad and it was dark and my SO had just moved so it was my first time driving from a part of Brooklyn I've never been to before. Still, I decided that it was better to just get home instead of leaving in the late morning Monday. It was better than having to sleep on his couch in his living room because he decided to play Final Fantasy all day into the night. His surround sound, televisions, computers, game systems, etc are in his bedroom so that he can stay in bed and play around the clock. I asked him before I visited if I should just leave Sunday because the last visit he ended up getting on Final Fantasy Sunday afternoon and played all night. The difference is that I could try to sleep (he's loud when he plays, talking to his friends) in his bedroom; this time he would be playing in his bedroom. He told me to leave Monday morning so we could have more time together, which made sense to me too. Next thing I know, on Saturday -when I was already there- he tells me that he'll be playing Final Fantasy with his friends Sunday. I didn't think he would be on for long after he had convinced me to stay an extra night. Well, early Sunday I decided to ask how long he'd be playing for. He replied, "All night." I didn't get mad. I went into the living room when he got on and started doing my own thing. Then I started thinking, "Why am I staying an extra night to sleep on a couch and still have to struggle to fall asleep over the noise when I could just go home to my own bed? Also, there are things I could/should be doing at home!"
So, he came out of his room on a gaming break and I told him I was going home.
There were 1 or 2 other little things that contributed to it but basically there was a huge argument that was started because I was so angry and I told him that he's a liar. He really lost his temper. When he calmed down I heard him on the game telling his friends that I was pissed and this and that. He apologized and stuff. I still left, obviously.

The rest of the visit was fine but after that I just didn't know how to feel. I was going to email him to say how I feel about it all but I have no words. Things have already been so shaky because I feel like there's no foreseeable end to our distance so I'm unsure how to move after what happened. It might sound like no big deal to some but I feel like it was a big deal.

Anyway, thanks for reading if you've read the whole thing.