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Doing a Masters degree abroad and closing the distance..

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    jsymons, that sounds amazing. Where are you and where is she from?
    I wish you all the luck for both of your applications!! It would be great to close the distance like that!

    lala, hm.. my bf doesn't speak a lot of German either, but there is an english-programm here
    I hope everything is going great with his visit in summer!


      I am originally from the Oregon coast, but working in Hawaii on a research project here until July (which is where my SO and I met) and she is from Wroclaw, Poland. It will be really nice if it ends up working out since we would also both be finishing with our masters degrees at the same time which would open up a lot more work options for us. Regardless, will be at least trying to do a long stay visit if we both don't get into the program.


        He sent his formal application with all the required documents yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!

        now we have to wait a couple of weeks and then they'll him if he gets in and gets the fellowship!!!!!!

        So excited about it!!


          Good Luck, Lilly. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you.

          I was always so worried when we filed the documents. I was almost positive we had forgotten something or other or they would reject the translations, because they weren't attached to certified copies of the original documents or... I don't know.

          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


            Thanks Dziubka!

            I know the feeling! The good thing is, the dead line is 30th of April, so if something IS really missing, he could still send it!

