Originally posted by milaya
This is really the only reason I dislike about living in CR. Being a foreigner. Most wouldn't think I (a white girl with dark blonde hair and green/brown eyes) wouldn't stick out so much in CR (a place full of light skinned Hispanics and plenty of US expats), but I stick out like a sore thumb. And it's not even that that bothers me. I went to an HBCU (Historically Black College/University) were I was the only white girl in all of my classes, sticking out doesn't bother me. What bothers me is how I get treated differently. People try to rip me off (especially taxi drivers). No matter what I wear or how I speak, people will always know I'm a foreigner. I'm targeted more for crimes because people think all gringos are rich and are oblivious to what's going on.
I've been having this identity crisis where I don't know what to wear and how to act. I want to blend in, so should I wear heavy eye liner, gel my hair back and squeeze into spandex pants? But I also want to be *me* and wear shorts and sneakers and quirky outfits. I'm trying to find a happy medium by buying clothes I like from CR stores, but it's still difficult for me.
I really try not to focus on it, but this is one of the reasons I love the USA so much. I live in a very diverse area, and you can look around and see people from all different backgrounds and ethnicity. And you will never know who was born here, who moved here, who is traveling... everyone looks the same because they are so different.
Any other stories from you guys out there who have either lived in another country or are currently living in another country? How do you find balance from expressing where you came from yet still enjoying the culture you're in now?