Originally posted by Petals
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I guess if there is a retirement fund it will be for the two of us. Or three... I don't know. There is really a lot to think about, and those are good questions. Others questions is when do you stop paying off debt and start to save, or do you do both at the same time...
I imagine that sweet day when we all retire, there will not be that much costs to split because by then we should be finished paying off our mortages, and apart from food and travels there will not be a need for much.
In my country, more and more people start to save up privately for their older days because if you live long any savings will be tapped into sooner, plus people like to be generous towards family and you can't do that lot unless you saved up for it- But if you own your own house you are also good, because then every year you can reap all the tax benifits that comes from owning your own home.