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I'm so worried about moving - UK people's advice especially appreciated!

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    I'm so worried about moving - UK people's advice especially appreciated!

    My boyfriend lives in the UK and I live in Toronto. Originally he was going to move here this summer since I was going to school. Unfortunately I absolutely hated my program and dropped out about a month ago.

    Since then we've discussed me moving there. It seems I could get a 2 year youth mobility Visa and I could be there as early as January. Unfortunately my savings from a previous job would be at pretty much 0 after buying a flight, cancelling my phone contract, paying the Visa fees and all the other things that are sure to pop up.I do have 10 000 in a student credit line I haven't touched yet, but I'd really prefer not to use it, especially since I would potentially like to use it for school at some point. My boyfriend says he could support us both until I find a job, but I'm skeptical. I love him to pieces but he's a bit of an idealist. After he pays his rent and student loans he has about 500-780 pounds leftover a month. Is that enough to keep 2 people going in the UK, even if they're frugal? He lives in Northampton if that helps.

    I don't have a job right now either, so unless I find something by December I'm running up stuff on a credit card If I left in January that wouldn't happen. I guess I could always move back in with my parents, find a shitty job, and go in the summer but it's such a depressing thought...

    The other thing I'm slightly worried about is building up a life in the UK. He could very well decide after 2 years he doesn't like me and I'm shipped back to Canada, and I lose anything I've built up in England. He says he fully intends to marry me within those 2 years, and I trust him very much, but nothing is a guarantee. I think I especially worry about it because my ex told me for 5 years we were getting married soon...

    ARG I'm so frustrated! Any advice is appreciated.

    I am from Canada and in the UK on the youth mobility visa. Firstly they won't give you the visa unless you can prove you have at least $2500 funds.

    The job situation is extremely hard here at the moment, I have been searching for the last 3 months for jobs. I have applied for over 50 jobs and only had two call backs, both of which didn't work out. It is frustrating knowing that I can't get a job at the mall and really basic jobs won't call me. On some websites it shows how many people have applied for a job and it is in the 40s. I don't know how much longer I'll need to look.

    As for 700 pounds a month to live on, will he have had paid all his utilities as well? If not that could be another almost 200 with council tax (which is like 92 a month!) then there is TV, phones etc. We try to stick to a budget of 50 pounds a week for food, which if we really try hard we can so that is another 200 pounds gone. We don't go out often but a night out in to london can be costly, dinner drinks and train and by the time you know 100 is gone.

    Right now we are living off my SOs income, it is tough and he makes decent money. We are not able to save anything really which is stressful because we are planning to move back to Canada. I've even considered going back home and working cause i know I could get a job there.

    I wouldn't worry about starting a life there, things happen. If you go over with the thoughts, it will be a great experience, if things don't work out at least I got to experience a different country then there is nothing to regret. I lived in Germany and as much as it sucked to leave, I made some great friends I am still in contact with.


      Thanks for taking the time to respond.

      I'm still not sure from your answer whether 500-780 is enough to live on for two people. That amount is after rent, utilities and debts. The only other necessities I can think of would be two cellphones and gas.

      What's the job situation there as compared to Canada? I've only been looking here for a month, but I've gotten just 1 interview, and that was for a government job I actually applied for back in July on a whim. They told me they'd let me know if I made the pool of qualifying candidates in a month. God knows how long I'd be waiting for after that...When you said you could get a job back in Canada, did you mean because it's easier to find a job or because you already have an in somewhere?

      Strangely enough I'm not really worried about the whole adapting to a different country thing. I lived in Japan for 3 years, so at least this time I'll be able to understand the language! Getting there shouldn't be a problem either, I can transfer my student credit into a chequing account temporarily, but I'd really not like to touch it!


        I'd say that much money a month would be doable, but it you would need to watch where all the money is going and be frugal with were it is going. There probably wouldn't be anything to save.
        I think it is way easier to get a job back in Canada then it is here. I don't know if part of it is they see I am not English and pick a native over me or what, but it is definitely hard.


          Sorry to keep bothering you with questions. Just I don't know anybody else who has ever done this before, and any information or insights you have would be useful. My boyfriend has warned me that I should be prepared to be mistaken constantly for an American, which I find funny, because I couldn't even get this VISA if I was an American...

          How do you find England? What do you like? Dislike? Find strange? How do you find making friends? Is the food really as terrible as it's cracked up to be? Anything at all.

          I've also wondered if it will be more difficult to find a job simply because I'm not English. I've started looking at a few job sites for Northampton, and there's quite a few comments people make about the evil foreigners who are coming over and taking all their jobs away. Scary. Do you mind if I ask you how old you are and if you have a degree/work experience?

          Anybody else who has insight into Englishy things please answer as well!


            I don't think its something to be warned about, people hear your accent and most of the time ask where your from. A couple people asked if i was from Canada or the usa but no one is rude here about it, that is nothing to worry about.

            England is pretty much like Canada, it isn't going to be a culture shock. Its a little more rainy then home but you don't notice after a while. Haven't made tons of friends yet, mostly they are the gf's of my Bf's friends. I imagine the friends will come once I get a job. The food isn't bad, they have all sorts of restaurants and if you cook at home you just eat what you want. I can give you a list of things they don't have here incase you want to bring some with you, I know a canadian girl and we spent one evening talking about the certain foods we miss.

            Don't worry about what you read on job sites, people complain about that back home too. I don't know if that has anything to do with not being english. I had a job interview yesterday and they see you have a work visa and its usually fine. It is just a really bad economy here at the moment and everyone even the english are having a hard time with finding jobs.


              Actually, a list would be fantastic. When I was living in Japan I was dying for regular peanut butter. This time round I know Tim Horton's coffee is essential.


                I don't like Tim Hortons coffee, Second cup is waaay better! Alright lets see what we came up with

                Ketchup chips
                swedish berries, cherrie blasters, sour patch kids.
                Cookies, they have some good ones but mostly savory biscuits so if you have a favorite bring a box
                Their salad dressings are good but aren't the same, no catalina or french like the ones kraft makes
                My SO and his friends has never heard of perogies, but you can't really bring them with you.

                I'll have to see if I can think of more, the other stuff we missed is not travelable, like cool whip lol They pretty much have everything here you get back home though, oh if you like baking cookies I can never find chocolate chips and I've never seen the different kinds like mint or milk/white chocolate or the rainbow ones.


                  You'd choose Second Cup over Tim Hortons??? I'm flabbergasted.

                  Great list. Funny you mention perogies, my family is part Ukrainian and I HAVE to eat them at least once a week. I introduced my boyfriend to their wonderfulness when he visited, but I don't think he was too keen. I guess I can always learn how to make them from scratch....

                  Also, I have another question. How long did it take you to receive your Visa after you applied?


                    I'm not a fan of coffee and second cups caramel corretto beats Tim hortons any day, they also have the best hot chocolate ever. It took like 5 days from getting my fingers scanned and sending it to being delivered to my house. Super fast.


                      I'm not a fan of coffee and second cups caramel corretto beats Tim hortons any day, they also have the best hot chocolate ever. It took like 5 days from getting my fingers scanned and sending it to being delivered to my house. Super fast.



                        The amount you have left per month is fine for the two of you, i've lived on less and had 4 of us to look after but i guess it depends on where in the UK your going to be moving too as some places have higher costs of living than others. Other than that, i think Snow_girl has covered it. Although i'd say that the UK seems more cramped. There are around the double the amount of people here than there are in Canada which seems nuts as were a hell of alot smaller!!
                        As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                          You can fit two and a half englands in alberta, but the population of london is more then the entire province!


                            Have you ever heard the song "Canada is Really Big" by the Arrogant Worms? I think they say something like you can put 14 Frances inside of Canada, which is absolutely insane if you stop and think about it.

                            Anyhow, I don't think I have to worry too much about feeling cramped. If I go, it will be to Northampton, which only has a population of about 200 000. Apparently my SO's bedroom is bigger than my entire "apartment" here.

                            I actually would really rather move to England than stay here if I could. I've wanted to for as long as I can remember, even since before I met my boyfriend. I mean, the possibility of bumping into David Mitchell or the Doctor are far greater there than here. The only thing that's holding me back is that I'm worried that anything I create in England can be taken away from me if my boyfriend decides I'm not for him. I'm considering taking a long distance post graduate certificate in publishing from Ryerson while I'm there just so I could have something more than my seemingly useless psychology degree if everything goes belly up and I'm shipped back here.

                            I know I should stop worrying about this not turning out okay. I know I only worry because my ex led me on for nearly 3 years about wanting to get married, and I shouldn't foist all that onto my very lovely, always has done what he said he'd do SO. But I don't know how to stop .


                              Random fact you can fit the UK into Canada over 40 times, i said that to my SO once and now he doesnt shut up about it! lol
                              Northampton is about 50 miles from me (east midlands to west midlands)

                              My SO's main concern is not finding work when he gets here, he doesnt want to have to rely on me to support him. I've looked around and there are plenty of organisations to help people settle here and transfer any qualifications for employers, plus a few other things that i cant remember right now... need more coffee.
                              As for the worrying, i do that for both of us. Mainly that he's moving here to be with me and if for any reason it doesnt work then he's lost what he's built up in Canada. You just have to have faith that things will work out.
                              As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance

