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Do you still hear their accent?

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    My SO has a british accent but I am use to it..I tease him a little bit when he says certain words but I am not really bothered by it. His friends that he has recently made are in love with it atm and they always try to get him to repeat words


      Originally posted by thatgirllit View Post
      OFF TOPIC: LOL, the English think everyone that speaks English, but not the "Queen's English" sound "American." *rolls eyes* LOL...sorry, frustrated American working in East Asia. Most East Asians prefer American/Canadian accents to English (UK) accents and it frustrates the British who live here...which is understandable. But as someone who speaks excellent standard American English, it's quite perturbing to here them say "You sound like an American" as a pejorative way to say you don't sound like a native English speaker.
      Haha, you're right! To Americans I always sound distinctly 'European' - they can't quite place it, but they know I'm definitely not American. But the English often mistake me for an American. And every British person I ever met looked down upon American English - my SO even said he was going to 'weed it out' of me. But I quite like American accents and even prefer them to British, which of course winds him up sooo much.

      Originally posted by CynicalQuixotic View Post
      'Panty-melting' also comes to mind when I hear him speak, too.
      Sexiest accent ever was when I heard this one Parisian guy speak absolutely perfect English with a heavy French accent. He was hot stuff all around, rawwwr

      Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


        Yeah. His accent is usually not that bad but I can definitely hear it, especially when he's been around his parents and sister a lot, or his friends from high school. I know I have a bit of an accent, as well, but he says he's never heard it.

        EDIT: for clarification he's from Alberta and much of his family has a very thick accent, he doesn't as much. I'm from East Texas (deep East Texas), but I don't have too much of an accent unless I'm really tired.


          Originally posted by Malaga View Post
          Sexiest accent ever was when I heard this one Parisian guy speak absolutely perfect English with a heavy French accent. He was hot stuff all around, rawwwr
          Yes and yes! My French professor reminds me so much of how my SO speaks, I think it's contributed to my crush on him...


            My SO's lovely English voice/accent is one of his most attractive qualities! Particularly melt-worthy words and phrases include "come here" and "darling". He likes me to say "teeter totter" and "finicky"...


              Sort of, it comes across on certain words and phrases. He also says Eh way more than he will admit to.

              He makes fun (playfully) of my accent quite alot but apparently he only really notices my accent when i'm talking to the my children. I didn't realise i spoke any different :S

              He's Canadian and i'm English (i have the "dummy" brummie accent)
              As long as there is air in my lungs... there is a chance


                I definitely still notice Loic's accent. Mostly the way he doesn't pronounce his th's, and some cute words he pronounces differently (like appreciate, aluminum). I guess I might get more used to it when we close the distance in May or June, and I hear it daily, haha.

                Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

                Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
                Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


                  My SO is Scottish, one year on I still find it sexy and totally hear it. I don't wanna not hear it.


                    @milaya. Hey hey my bf is from hong kong and we had the exact same misunderstanding about "tea bags" haha


                      I'm not noticing it as much as I used to. My SO is English, and he swings from "posh" (the proper accent he was raised to speak) to the more South London accent he picked up while running a pub. I'm starting not to notice it. Though while he was here in the states, it seemed to become less English. Now he's back home, and today when we Skyped, it was suddenly extra British, hehe.

                      It's a lovely accent though, shame I'm noticing it less and less.


                        Yup I most certainly still do after talking over a mic for almost 3 years now. I love it. I can't say the same about me though.


                          My SO has a slight accent.. cause he lives right on the Mexico-Arizona border, and he speaks English quite a bit. I don't usually remember it since i'm pretty good at understanding accents. It's obvious he's Mexican though, especially when he says words weirdly~ (He pronounced Google like goggle for the longest time xD And sometimes he messes up while saying "girlfriend" and says "Girlflien" Its sooo cute!)


                            My boyfriend always makes up really funny and creative paraphrases, when he doesn't know a word.
                            Like when he couldn't remember the German word for "dead" he said "she doesn't breath anymore". He always says those things in a really dead pan way which makes it even more hilarious. I can't remember any other right now, but there were quite a few. His German teacher must be head over heels for him, if he delivers the same gems in class.

                            I'm somewhat guilty of that, too. But mine are never that funny. For the longest time I couldn't remember the Polish word for roe, so I always said "the wife of the deer" (which I know isn't correct biologically).

                            Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


                              My SO was a military brat and so is from all over the world and never really caught an accent. However, I come from a southern family so sometimes, especially when I get to rambling, I tend to slip and he teases me about it... but I know he does it just to see me blush


                                My SO and I grew up in the same area of New Jersey so we have the same accent :/ But now that I've moved to Florida, I started noticing my own accent and his accent a little more. Like how sometimes we say 'cawfee' (coffee) or 'dawg' (dog). I like it haha.

                                Became a couple: March 17th, 2010
                                Started our college long distance relationship: August 2011
                                Surprise engagement in Disneyworld! : March 22nd, 2013
                                Closed the distance: May 2nd, 2014
                                Became his wife and started our happily ever after!: May 17th, 2014

