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Do you still hear their accent?

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    Do you still hear their accent?

    For those of you involved with someone who has an accent, do you still hear it?

    My SO's native language is Spanish and so when he speaks English he has an accent. But I was realizing the other day, I don't even really notice it any more. We've been living together for 9 months, speaking in English 95% of the time. So I guess I just got used to it. Well, unless he talks about the "big sheeter machines" at his work which he pronounces as "shitter". Funny every time

    I was catching up with a friend back home and I told her I was in the Uk with my boyfriend and she was like "OOooh you must love his accent!" and I couldn't really answer cause it doesn't even phase me anymore. I notice the accent with other people like when we are out with his friends I remember that I am in a place with lots of accents but it is only sometimes when my SO says certain things that it will show more then usual.


      I do still hear it, but dont think anything of it. Im used to hearing it now although i do love his accent - and when he says certain things it sounds really sexy I love the canadian accent <3


        I've been asked about his accent as well (he's English) - apparently girls love that. Personally I never had a thing for British accents really, I love his because it's him, but it never phased me per se.
        But I was just thinking the other day how I'm really lucky that he doesn't have a strong accent at all - it's certainly British but not very regional. English is not my first language and while I'm fluent, regional accents are a problem even for native speakers and I know I'd have to invest a lot more energy to understand him. Not to mention my parents etc.

        I think he notices my accent a lot more. He calls it Dutch more than anything else, although apparently sometimes I sound American and sometimes Eastern European... depends who I'm speaking to.

        Like any great relationship, it just gets better and better as the years roll on. - Steve Jobs


          I do.
          But my boyfriend doesn't have an accent so much, as rather he speaks broken German. So yes, I do notice and I absolutely love it. I hope he'll always have a very strong accent

          My boyfriend however has probably stopped noticing my accent, though. He claims I don't have one, when I speak Polish, but I know it's not true.

          Być tam, zawsze tam, gdzie Ty.


            Yes. :P

            He's had some issues with people in the past (playing something online or through Xbox or something) not being able to understand his accent, so he tries to tone it down and he hates when I point out how bloody Irish he sounds when he lets his guard down. His accent still comes through the "toning it down," but not as strongly. Personally I find his Dubliner accent and slang to be something of a panty melter.
            { Our Story on LFAD }

            Our Beginning
            Met online: February 2009
            Feelings confessed: December 2010
            Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
            Officially together since: 08 April 2011

            Our Story
            First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
            Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
            Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
            Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

            Our Happily Ever After
            to be continued...


              Originally posted by Malaga View Post
              I've been asked about his accent as well (he's English) - apparently girls love that. Personally I never had a thing for British accents really, I love his because it's him, but it never phased me per se.
              But I was just thinking the other day how I'm really lucky that he doesn't have a strong accent at all - it's certainly British but not very regional. English is not my first language and while I'm fluent, regional accents are a problem even for native speakers and I know I'd have to invest a lot more energy to understand him. Not to mention my parents etc.

              He calls my accent Dutch more than anything else, although apparently sometimes I sound American and sometimes Eastern European... depends who I'm speaking to.
              OFF TOPIC: LOL, the English think everyone that speaks English, but not the "Queen's English" sound "American." *rolls eyes* LOL...sorry, frustrated American working in East Asia. Most East Asians prefer American/Canadian accents to English (UK) accents and it frustrates the British who live here...which is understandable. But as someone who speaks excellent standard American English, it's quite perturbing to here them say "You sound like an American" as a pejorative way to say you don't sound like a native English speaker.

              ON TOPIC: My SO is from Western Europe and currently is studying in the U.S. Before we started dating (we were friends) and he once told me that once women heard his ***** accent, "Half my work is already done. American girls are so easy." It doesn't hurt that he's a cutie...not surprisingly, I initially made getting this American girl less than easy. I don't really notice his accent when he's speaking English anymore...unless I am making fun of him for mispronouncing words, but I really enjoy it when he speaks his native language when we fun.
              Last edited by thatgirllit; November 30, 2011, 09:24 AM. Reason: ETA


                Yes. :P

                He's had some issues with people in the past (playing something online or through Xbox or something) not being able to understand his accent, so he tries to tone it down and he hates when I point out how bloody Irish he sounds when he lets his guard down. His accent still comes through the "toning it down," but not as strongly. Personally I find his Dubliner accent and slang to be something of a panty melter.
                { Our Story on LFAD }

                Our Beginning
                Met online: February 2009
                Feelings confessed: December 2010
                Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                Our Story
                First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                Our Happily Ever After
                to be continued...



                  My SO is a Russian who speak many languages as well.... but when he speak with me he still had that Russian tone/intonation.. you know when the tone goes up and down.. sometimes it sound like a malay speak english.. and i like it the more i learn about Russian language the more i miss his accent when he speak!


                    Well my SO and I always speak together in Japanese, but sometimes he practices English or Danish with me and his accent... well that could kill the beauty of any language. Which is why I prefer not to hear him speak English. Also because he for some reason also changes his voice when trying to speak English and it's not a good change, since I love his normal voice.

                    What we can have fun with is the Japanese-English. Words that sounds like English, but is something the Japanese use.
                    Like when he mentioned that one of Japan's famous idol groups used tea bags under their skirts.... "they use... what?!".
                    Turned out he said T-back, which is the Japanese word for G-string/thong. Also saying "pants" ... means underwear in Japanese.


                      This is such a great topic, I was thinking about this the other day. My SO has a Southern (he grew up in Atlanta) accent. When I first met him, I thought it was sooooo strong. Now, it's just the way he talks...sounds normal to me. So no, I don't hear it anymore. But the other day he met one of my friends on skype and after she said, woahhhh he has such a thick accent


                        Well, my SO just speaks Spanish, but he did take an English course in the Spring. He completed the first level but was really hesitant to speak in English to me. I did hear him say a few words and his accent was very strong. It was cute though. Where he lives, there is really not too much opportunity to link up with native speakers of English, so it's definitely more difficult to work on correct pronunciation, accent reduction, etc. Anyways, he didn't wind up following through with the course because according to him English is todo loco.


                          My SO is from Scotland and he has a accent, but to me not as strong. I rarely notice it only when he says specific words. It's funny cause that got mentioned to me by quite a few people, that he has such a strong British accent. and i'll be like really?? I don't notice so much, it's like just his voice lol

                          Was funny we had a conversation with my cousins. And they asked him how come he has an accent. And he was trying to explain how everyone has an accent, he told them you have an accent to. And they go what! So I talk like you? lol was funny, they didn't understand, so he gave up trying to explain it. My aunt comes in and there all mom! He says we have an accent!
                          I love you Nathan <3
                          5/25/09 <3


                            I guess we both have accents I’m from a Caribbean country and my SO is Scottish..I don’t have a problem understanding him and I do still hear it but it’s rather sexy. I do find myself repeating some words in his accent and in my head I’m where’d that come from??


                              My SO definitely has an accent, but it doesn't really sound like a French accent. It's funny, one time we went to a pizza place in Paris and he happened to be speaking English to me, and when we went to order, the guy behind the counter spoke in English to him, and JP had this look on his face like "What the hell?!" because usually French people can tell by their accents when another French person is speaking English. I thought was funny. He tells me I definitely have an accent in French, but that he finds it cute because I speak well. We tease each other about it--he has a lot of trouble with the 'aw' sound, like in law, and it ends up coming out 'lao,' and he'll never let me live down about how I used to pronounce 'oignon.'

                              'Panty-melting' also comes to mind when I hear him speak, too.

