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Update On Our Situation: ;_;, ^_^, and :/

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    Update On Our Situation: ;_;, ^_^, and :/

    Figured I would update everyone on my situation, especially since everyone here has been so supportive and especially since questions have been brought up in passing about how everything's been.

    He finally has internet access but I've been having to get used to an entirely new internet schedule. He's mostly on in my afternoons/evenings, so quite different to the all-day routine I was used to having before everything happened.

    But earlier tonight I ended up crying and venting and ended up letting something bitter slip about love stories and fairytales and he was telling me that I was his. I said I wasn't even sure what that meant anymore and that I was feeling scared and insecure because he says that, but what happens if someone who's there comes along and replaces me because she's there and I'm not. He thought I was referring to his ex (I wasn't, not wholly anyway) and said he hasn't even spoken to her in a couple weeks. He then said that it meant he wants me as in his mind is clearer/he's thinking straighter and he wants me (for those who may not be entirely clear on our situation/may not have seen my original post, he "ended" [read as: took a break from] our relationship after his mother's passing; had nothing to do with his ex, which I don't want to imply, as she was a demon in my head and not in our relationship).

    Given the uncertainty of everything, I basically questioned him about what that meant, whether it meant things were the same as they have been, he's simply clearer on what he wants, or it means we'll have titles again once he feels he can do a relationship again, whether it meant we were both still technically free to sleep around if we wanted or if there was a commitment between us, similar to how it was in the beginning of our relationship, where there was a commitment but no current label(s). He said the latter was true for both cases and said he didn't want to "sleep around" or be in an open relationship (I'd mentioned that that was not an arrangement I could handle or one I wanted). He said that he wants me to be his and for him to be mine again.

    I was a bit alarmed that the most I could think to say was "okay." But I more or less told him that the only condition I have is that if he wants the commitment, then he needs to be patient with me. I told him that understandable as his decision was (in his situation), I felt that it was also understandable that I'm a bit shaken and that I'm going to need time to work on rebuilding trust that may not have been shattered but that had certainly gone into hiding. He more or less said he was sorry he'd made me feel insecure/lost the trust to begin with but that he understood and would be patient with me and that it's okay to feel that way.

    To be honest, I still feel a bit... overwhelmed. There's happiness, there's hope, there's security, but there's also every other emotion - sadness, anger, resentment, etc. - that's all spilling over. I simultaneously wanted to tell him "yes" and "no," kiss him and slap him, pull him closer and push him away. I figure it's because I'd started to feel something other than numbness and shock/denial, and then I'm thrown another curveball, a relatively good one, but a curveball nonetheless. And I suppose it feels as if the fairytale has been shattered, as if the "happily ever after" I'd once been so sure of and confident in has been rewritten completely, and I'm not sure I'm quite over that or the mindset.

    I guess I realised that this is going to be a lot harder than I thought. It's not that this is something I don't want - I want it more than anything - and titles mean little more than commitment to me, so if the commitment is explicitly there and he wants to wait until he can be a "proper" boyfriend to attach the words, I'm fine being patient with it, but I realised that our relationship can't be snapped back into place. It's going to take time, strength and courage to abandon old issues and leave baggage behind on my part and patience and flexibility on his, to get back to where we once were. He's worth it of course, and that's something I've never doubted, but right now I suppose I'm feeling a little bit intimidated, a little bit scared, at the same time as feeling hopeful. He means the world to me. He is my soul mate, and even if he doubted it, I can't say I ever have.

    I simply wanted to update everyone on the situation and let everyone know what's been happening.

    P.S. My apologies for the random title, but I really could not think of anything other than faces...
    { Our Story on LFAD }

    Our Beginning
    Met online: February 2009
    Feelings confessed: December 2010
    Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
    Officially together since: 08 April 2011

    Our Story
    First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
    Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
    Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
    Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

    Our Happily Ever After
    to be continued...

    I see happiness on the horizon for you. It speaks volumes that the two of you put in so much effort..and don't give up when dealing with the 'curveballs'....instead seek understanding and you aim to resolve. Slow and steady is the pace.


      It's always good to hear an update from you!

      I always find the maturity of your and your partner's relationship admirable, and can't really point that out enough. The care and love between you two is palpable. Your mixed emotions are reasonable ones, and I can see where you're coming from. It's obvious that your love for your partner is extensive, but you've both been through a lot. He's suffered a terrible loss, but it has affected you as well. I think you're handling everything with a great deal of thoughtfulness, always being careful to say what you mean, to leave little to no room for miscommunications, and being very open and honest. I know it must not always feel like you're handling things flawlessly, but from what I can see, you're doing your very best. That's all anyone can expect or ask of you, and I'm sure your partner appreciates not only the way you've stuck by him, but your honesty as you discuss commitment.

      Like you said, it's frightening. But it seems like you've realized the biggest obstacles you'll have to overcome and are prepared and willing to face them head-on. It seems that your future with him is bright, to me. I think you can allow yourself to be hopeful. There's no rush, and it will likely be a difficult road ahead, but I know you two can make it through this if it's truly what you want.

      You're strong. We're all rooting for you. <3


        I wish you guys the best of luck! From personal experience, i understand that feeling of heartbreak tangled with love, tangled with depression, tangled with happiness. Its so hard and it takes so much time to repair something that's been broken. I'm still in the process with my SO and that has its good days and its bad days. You guys seem like you are very good communicating with each other so I think you will overcome this hurdle and finish the race. My advice from my experience, is don't just focus on how hurt you are, he is hurting too. Not just because of whats happened in his personal life but bc of what he put you through. It's probably eating him up inside. You guys will be fine, you'll learn and grow from this. It'll make you stronger. =)
        "You want for myself
        You get me like no one else
        I am beautiful with you

        I am beautiful with you
        Even in the darkest part of me
        I am beautiful with you
        Make it feel the way it's supposed to be
        You're here with me
        Just show me this and I'll believe
        I am beautiful with you"



          @LuvSsw -- I do appreciate and respect the honesty he's approached the situation with, as it has contributed to the/our understanding, and I do hope that we can continue to have that communication. I feel a part of me is terrified he's going to give up on me, give in because it's "too hard," but I suppose if he were going to do that he wouldn't have consciously made his decision tonight, seeing as we're likely to still be LD for a while (2013 may hold a working holiday visa for me though!).

          @Lissy -- Thank you very much for your words. It means a lot to me to be reminded of such things, especially when it's a time of uncertainty and insecurity all around, not simply having to do with my relationship and its status but also having to do with the way I've been handling everything given the circumstances. Especially since there have been so many conflicting emotions, i.e. feelings of weakness at the same time as having feelings of strength, but not wanting those feelings of strength due to wanting to nurse my wounds, not our wounds or his wounds, yet realising that I've been here for him in ways others haven't and in ways people have expressed they could not be. I feel like the only thing that I feel confident in is the fact that I have been as honest with him about where I'm at as he has been with me about where he's at, and for me, that's both about respecting my partner and respecting myself... But I digress. My point of this ramble was that it means a lot to hear someone speak so highly of something I can't quite see because I'm so involved. :P I think it's reassurances like that that give me a little bit of faith, hope, and confidence in my decisions and in knowing I'm handling this to the best of my ability.

          I feel like a part of the battle, too, is knowing when "enough is enough." For example, not needing to respond to his Facebook message the instant I receive it. I need to remember that taking care of him, and loving him, starts with taking care of and loving me, and I certainly need time to recover. Though I would have it no other way, being as present and available as I have can be/is somewhat exhausting; the emotions run deep and it brings up a lot of undealt with emotions in me when I watched my mother go through this with my grandmother's death when I was younger. However, I'm confident that this is something he and I can both overcome. There are a lot of lessons to be learned, on both ends, some external, some internal, and I imagine that such a disruption is going to produce a massive shift in both of our lives, and that's scary, but I'm hoping it's something he and I can survive together. :P And I'm making it a point to start doing more to take much needed me-time to replenish my energy stores.

          @ruby -- Thank you. I do need to remember that. I remember being angry at one point and saying I wanted it to be easy like it was on him and he stopped me and told me it's not any easier on him, that the break-up hurt him/made him sad too, and I think it woke me up to the fact that even if he initiated it, the circumstances were beyond the typical reasons and it impacted him as much as it did me. Strangely I think our communication got a notch better after that... Perhaps because it contributed to a new level of understanding for me, or at least realisation.

          Thank you everyone for your support. <3 I appreciate the faith, optimism, and the reassurances, comments, advice, and general support. It means so much to me. I'm so glad I found this community.
          Last edited by Haley53; December 3, 2011, 12:58 AM.
          { Our Story on LFAD }

          Our Beginning
          Met online: February 2009
          Feelings confessed: December 2010
          Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
          Officially together since: 08 April 2011

          Our Story
          First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
          Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
          Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
          Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

          Our Happily Ever After
          to be continued...


            Ohh, this sounds good! thogh i understand your conflicted feelings, its only normal. but you two will go through that stronger! there will still be the happy ending and happily ever after for you!
            our story.


            02.02.2012 - When we got married and closed the distance once and for all

            "If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."


              @Engel -- I really hope so. He really does mean the world to me.
              { Our Story on LFAD }

              Our Beginning
              Met online: February 2009
              Feelings confessed: December 2010
              Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
              Officially together since: 08 April 2011

              Our Story
              First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
              Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
              Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
              Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

              Our Happily Ever After
              to be continued...


                I know your feelings are a little conflicted right now. It will take time, but throughout that time, just know that we're here to listen! and to try and help you sort out whats going on in your head the best we can. From what I've read, you two seem to be made for each other. I don't doubt that things will get better for the both of you. Just remember why you two are in this, and that you're in this together and that both of your efforts are not wasted


                  You'll build the trust again. Because you both love and respect each other.

                  All relationships have bumps and curveballs, and you two have had a HELL of a bump here. That you've both handled it so well, especially given the distance and the communication brown-out, speaks to the kind of relationship you have. A trial such as this can tear people apart. But it can also be a test that brings people closer. You never really know what kind of relationship you have until you're in such a test.

                  I know it's hard and I know your feelings are conflicted, but you'll come out of all this stronger. Take some comfort in that, and then take your time with each other -- let the trust build back in its own time.



                    I truly believe that the two of you can and will work through this.


                      I completely understand where you're coming from. Just remember that you two can do ANYTHING as long as you both want to. You can definitely overcome this. Don't lose hope. Glad to hear things are starting to get back on an even keel


                        Originally posted by Eclaire View Post
                        He's worth it of course, and that's something I've never doubted, but right now I suppose I'm feeling a little bit intimidated, a little bit scared, at the same time as feeling hopeful.
                        And that's all that matters. He's worth it. Ease yourself back into this relationship. Just sleep on it a few nights. I personally think this will work out excellently for you both. You've had the patience of a saint recently; he'll definitely reciprocate. You'll be just fine.

                        If you're the hugging type, have one of my virtual ones and go get a real one too. *hugs*


                          @Zapookie -- Thank you. I did send him a message on FB last night wondering if he still meant everything he said yesterday this morning and he said of course he still means it. It's an odd feeling. I woke up feeling a little bit happier today, a little less conflicted than yesterday, but some things still feel very awkward. :P Like we were discussing the closing-the-distance thread that recently popped up and he said "That wouldn't happen to us, dear" and it felt odd because it mentioned "future" and "us" and "closing the distance" when really I hadn't been talking in terms of our relationship at all, merely discussing things. But I imagine that that's somewhat normal? To feel that way? We discussed a working holiday there too, which wouldn't be happening until 2013, and he wanted to talk to the landlord and everyone else about what that would mean. I told him we'd set a date to talk about this in another year, when planning would be more realistic. :P I'd kidded him about whether or not he thought he could tolerate me for so long - a working holiday would allow me to be there for up to 12 months, not guaranteed, but up to - and he said he would love it. It would certainly gives us a chance to see how we work living together under a temporary arrangement... Only issue is I would have grad school coming home, so if we did decide to make the move, hm... One step at a time. :P But as you can see, some of the enthusiasm returned to me this morning.

                          @Minerva -- It's funny because I usually can't help but compare our relationship to either childhood romances or puppies and I'm about to use another puppy comparison. *s******* But I feel like we're in the clutzy state of learning to walk all over again. And we're eager, because our eyes are open and our ears are open and our noses are constantly drawing in new scents and it's like the best sort of sensory overload, but then there's him and there's me and we see playmate and companion and whatever else, and we want nothing more than to play and wrestle like the big dogs, only we've only just started walking, so play is clumsy. It's like we're tripping over each other's feet when we're not tripping over our own. I suppose that that's where our relationship more or less feels like it's at, like we both want it to go back to the way that it was, like we both know what that means and what it looks like, but the resources/circumstances prevent us from currently having it. It's either all of that, or like being cured from a temporary blindless; it's like the shock of being immersed in complete darkness and then being brought back in 0 to 60 to being able to see, and at the same time as it's wonderful, you can't help but blink your eyes because it hurts a little bit, and because your time spent in that temporary blindness did have an effect on you, even if it should no longer matter in a way...

                          @Mara -- Thank you for your faith. <3

                          @efish -- Boundaries came up via something that was mentioned on another post, something that had happened with another girl, and I was saying how I can't imagine that I would ever let that happen had it been another guy, because to me, that's an obvious criss-crossing of boundaries, and he told me he would never let that happen, either, so I am assuming that these little things he's saying are affirmations that he did mean it when he said he wanted the commitment back and the titles will be back once he feels less pressure surrounding them.

                          @Shepard-Fowkes -- Thank you for the hugs. I can only hope he'll be patient with me. He's understandably still grieving, and I would say he's dealing with feelings of anger at the moment, bargaining too, but mostly anger, so he's had a shorter fuse and some things he's usually patient with... He hasn't been as patient with, but so far on this, he's been very gentle about it. He has mentioned feeling horribly for breaking my heart, so I imagine it's, again, understanding contributing to the patience. I can only hope our relationship continues to improve. I hope you're right about sleeping it off, though I think you might be. After one night's sleep I already woke up feeling a little bit better and a little less shocked.
                          { Our Story on LFAD }

                          Our Beginning
                          Met online: February 2009
                          Feelings confessed: December 2010
                          Unofficially together since: January/February 2011
                          Officially together since: 08 April 2011

                          Our Story
                          First meeting in person: 16 August - 14 September 2011
                          Second visit: 17 March - 01 April 2012
                          Third visit: 23 July - 13 September 2012
                          Fourth visit: Looking at 23 March - 6 April 2013

                          Our Happily Ever After
                          to be continued...

